~Chapter eight~

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Summer Love

Chapter eight

"Morning," Ashley came in kitchen, sitting on chair, her head was down on table.

"Good morning," I said as I made lemonade for ashley, she looked at me taking the lemonade.

"Thank you," She drank the lemonade.

"So what do you wanna eat, I'll make for you," I said as I drink my coffee.

"I don't feel hungry, my head is spinning," She said as she rub her head.

"Yeah you were pretty drunk last night," I said, as I gave her a tablet and water.

"Really, did I did anything weird?" She says as she drink water.

"Well you said, that you really love niall, he is hot and you just want to be with him," I said while smirking.

"Um really," She said while looking at her hands.

"Yeah, now tell me the truth, you know we don't keep secrets from each other, details NOW." I said,

"Ok, so you know that I was going out with john, but I finally broke up with him, cause I started to have feelings for niall, and he was ok with me, so now me and niall are dating. We just went to 2 or 3 dates and yeah," She says while grinning,

"That's awesome, niall is really sweet and great guy," I said while hugging her.

She finally agreed to eat breakfast so I cut some fruits for her and I already eat so now I was on twitter.

Harry posted some pictures of me and him, kissing and hugging, which made directioners made.

There were some directioners who tweeted me, 

Alicestyles: Go and jump off cliff you bitch, you don't deserve harry.

Directioner_1D: You are a piece of shit, leave harry, he's mine.

There were about thousands tweets just like this, a tear streamed down my cheek, I wipe it away, but there were some girls who really send me good tweets like,

Kaitrynmalik: I saw your pictures, you are so beautiful,

Madisondirectioner: You totally deserve harry, you both are so cute, stay happy always xx

I smiled at some tweets and follwed them too.

Ashley came and sit beside me, watching tv.

My phone started to ring, I was harry.

I went to room, and picked up the call.

"Hey baby," He said,

"Hey babe, what's up?" He said in his sleepy voice.

"Watching tv and nothing," I said while looking in mirror, it felt so good, 

"My head is hurting so much," He said,

"Oh, did you take any medicine," I asked him.

"Yeah I just took it right now," 

"Then you must rest babe, you sound really tired," I said

"Yeah I guess you're right, I'll talk to you later, and are you free tomorrow," He asks me,

"Yeah I am, why?" I said,

"We can hang out tomorrow at 5, yeah." A smile crepted on my face.

"Sure, I'll be there at 5," 

"Ok, can't wait to see you, love you." He says,

" Bye take care love you too," I said while hanging up the call.

I went to living room where I saw ashley texting someone while smiling.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey are you free tonight," She said as she look at me.

"Yeah why," I ask her.

"Let's go to shopping, I saw really great stuff online," She says,

"Yeah sure, I'll go get ready," She smiled, I got in my room, taking quick shower.

I wore a lace crop top, some jeans short and white sneakers. I waved my hair and took my cardigan and my bag, going down stairs.

Ashley was already in car, I sit beside her going to target.

We look at stuff, and we were there all day, we went to local shops too.

Now we were having some shopping bags on our hands, ashley got some shirts, shorts, 2 pair of heels and some new make up.

I ended up buying a cute summer dress, 2 scarfs, some t-shirts and some make up too, ashley buyed herself eyeshadow and conceler, well I bought foundation, lip gloss and eye liner.

We were really tired but it was a fun day. 

After that we went to mcdonalds, getting our meals, I was eating chips when I saw someone tapping on my shoulders.

I look at my back and saw curl haired boy with his same smirk on.


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