~Chapter twenty-one~

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Summer Love

Chapter twenty-one

"Thanks for everything," I said as I got out from harry's car and was going in my flat. Tonight was the best night of my life, he made me laugh after so many years. I wasn't able to even feel happy when harry wasn't with me, and now he came and I let him in.

Even though, I build walls on my heart but still he break it and let him in.

I went inside the house, I was currently staying with my mom. I wanted to go in my flat, but mom convinced me to stay with her, she was really feeling alone without me, so I figured I should stay with her.

"Hey sweety, how was it?" Mom was sitting on a couch watching tv.

"It was great, I had lot of fun," I said as I sit beside her.

" Nice, and what happen to your hand? Does it hurts? How?" Mom started to panic, taking my hand.

"Mom, don't worry, It's ok, a broken glass cut my hand" I said,

"Does it hurt?"

"No it doesn't and don't worry I'm fine," I said looking at her grinning.

"I just get worried, I don't want you to be in pain," Mom truly cares about us, and I'm so lucky to have a mom like her, I hope it stays like this.

"I know, and why are you awake? It's 1am" I said glancing at a clock.

"I was waiting for you," I was in awe. I hugged her.

"Mom you should get some sleep, you look tired," I said getting up, she yawned.

"Like I said," 

"Ok sweety good night, sleep well" Mom said, before going in her room. I went to my room too, but before going to bed I checked on allie, she was sleeping.

I went to my room and changed into some shorts and a shirt and snuggled into my bed, thinking about harry. 


"Hannahhhhhhhhhh" A familiar voice was echoing in my room, I groaned and through the pillow at allie.

"Wake up, you sleepy head" It was allie, I glared at her.

"What do you want, you ass" I said before covering myself with blanket.

"There is a guy waiting for you downstairs," As she said guy, I got up.

"Who is it?" I asked,

"His name is harry, Is he your boyfriend?" I rolled my eyes.

"No just a friend" I said,

I got up and brush my teeth and wore some jeans and a t-shirt before going downstairs.

Why was he here? 

I went into living room, and there he was standing, with his hands in his pocket, walking in room. 

Oh god, he looks so hot!

"Harry," I said and then his eyes look into mine, before coming towards me.

"Hey hannah, how are you?" He said, his gaze on mine.

"I'm great, and you?"

"Fine and how's your hand?"

"It's good, not hurting much," I was talking with harry when allie came downstairs.

"Allie, come on over here," I motioned to come over side, and she came.

"Allie, this is harry, and harry this is my sister allie" Allie smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you," She said and harry shake her hand, then I notice allie was all dress up.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah actually, just gonna hang out with hunter" I nodded,

"Ok have fun" I said before she was gone.

"Um, I was wondering if you want to join us, to the beach" Harry said,

"Beach? Who us?" I said,

"Me, boys, eleanor, perrie, danielle and ashley." He said, I nodded.

"Yeah sure, why not, sounds fun, Um I'll go and change, make yourself home" He nodded and I went to my room, changing into a black bikini and for cover up, I wore some shorts and a t-shirt.

I put essentials in my bag and left the room, putting my hair in ponytail.

"Ready?" Harry asked,


I have a feeling, something is gonna happen today, hope everything goes well.

Hey guys, what do you think? Hope your liking this book, do tell me in comments! Love u all <3

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