~Chapter thirty-three~

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Summer Love

Chapter thirty-three

I was sitting now with harry as we were eating pizza, with everyone, all the boys were in conversation, while I was just sitting here eating quietly. Ashley and el were also talking with me, but I just keep on saying yeah, hmm. I was still thinking about me and harry, and seriously I can't even stay from him now. I want him so bad.

I eat my pizza, harry was beside me, talking, I put my hands on his arms tugging with me, and put my head on his shoulder, he stopped and saw me, I smiled at him. He kissed my head, putting his head on mine.

"I love you harry," I said, whispering. He look at me, and then nodded, I can see his eyes full of tears.

"Guys, we are heading home, I'll see you later," harry said, hugging them, ashley saw me, so she smirked.

Harry took my hand and put me in the car. He drive as fast as he could to home. I was feeling excited too. 

As we came home, harry pushed the door opened and pushed me to the wall kissing me hardly. I can feel his lust and passion, these lips I've missed them so much.

I put my legs on his waist and his on my waist, and then he took me to his room, still not breaking the kiss. I took off my scarf that I was wearing, maybe I shouldn't wear it now, cause I know harry won't hurt me. He took off my shirt, and I let him.

He started to kiss my neck, I opened my eyes and we stared into our eyes before he kiss me further. I closed my eyes and moaned.

"Hannah," Harry said, 

"I miss you so much," He said, a tear spilled from his eyes. I kiss his eyes and started to kiss him hungrily.

"I miss you too," I said, he smiled.

As he was trying to make love to me again, I jumped back, those events replying in my mind. I started to shiver, harry placed his arms around me.

"Hannah.." He said, 

"Please, don't... do.. don't.. hurt me.. please" I started to cry. He hugged me calming me. I was calmed down.

"I'm sorry," I said, realizing what I did,

"Why are you aplogize, there is nothing to be sorry about," He said nodding.

"Maybe you should sleep," He said, giving me warming smile.

"Yeah," I said before laying on pillow, harry pulled me close and moved my hair from back, leaving wet kisses on my body.

It really felt good after so many months, I'm back to him, only his. 

As he came towards me, kissing me. I decided maybe I should make love to him. I have to be.

So I made love to him.


I woke up at the light of sun, I look at time at clock it was 11am, harry hand was on my waist and his face snuggled into my neck, as I moved he moved too, now tugging me into his chest. So I did, I kissed his chest which made him wake up.

"Good morning beautiful," He said, which made me die inside.

"Good morning," I said smiling. I got up and wore my clothes, going in kitchen. I started to make pancakes, harry came in kitchen and then we had breakfast together.

"Ok, I'm gonna call boys, we can have a movie night today," I nodded.

"And I'll call el and ashley," I said before storming in room to get my phone.

Everything changed in just one night.


Hi guys, here's chapter thirty three and yeah guys this book is coming to an end sorry but true. I hope you like this book so far! Do tell me in comments xx


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