~Chapter eighteen~

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Summer Love

Chapter eighteen

"Good morning mom," I said as I went to kitchen to see my mom cooking breakfast. I sit next to allie who was reading a novel of melissa hills.

"Wow, melissa hill" I said as I poured juice in glass, allie grinned at me.

"Yeah she is awesome, her writing is so awesome" She said, I shake my head.

"I know, she is perfect right?" I said, allie nodded her head.

"Yeah, but how you know about her." Allie asked,

"Well, if you get sad, you always choose melissa's books to read," I said,

"So did you also read," I nodded.

"Please forgive me book" 

"Hmm, its a book like asking forgiveness," Allie said,

"Yeah, I wish I could ask him," I said, my mom look at me with aplogetic smile, and she knows that now its awkward.

"Um, ok, breakfast is ready," Mom put a plate in front of me and allie. 

"Cheese omelete, with bacon and your favourite cappicuno" Mom said in sarastic sound. It made me laugh.

"Mmm, I miss these breakfasts" I said, tasting yummy omelete.

"Well sure you do," She said,

"Yeah, I'm getting this breakfast today, made by mom," She said, mom glared at her.


"Well, everyday I have to make breakfast by myself." She said, pouting, I laughed.

I finished my breakfast, and now we were in living room, talking and enjoying our time.

"So hannah, I don't wanna ask you but sweety, do you still love harry?" Mom asked,

"Yes mom, I still love him, but I have my future in front of me, so I just can't leave everything, and he also have a future, so yeah"

"Baby, if you guys are meant to be, then you will meet again," Mom said,

"Yeah I guess,"

"Um, ok, I'm going out, I haven't seen my friends in a while," I said before storming to my room.

I'm sorry for this short chapter, but I'll post next chapter tomorrow, hope you like it, don't forget to vote and comment!

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