~Chapter seventeen~

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Summer Love

Chapter seventeen

I put my bags in cab, and told the driver the address of my home. I was happy and relieved that I finally would get to see my mom and sister.

I checked my phone, and saw some text messages, from my friends and ashley.

Ashley: Hey what happen with harry.

Oh god, she knows, it's all over news. I swallowed the nervousness and send her a text.

Me: Nothing, I'll tell you when I'll come to college.

Ashley: Where are you right now?

Me: I'm at my mom's house for whole winter break.

The cab stopped which means I'm here, I rang the bell and took out my bags, and waited for my mom to open the door, but some guy open the door.

"Hello, who are you cutie?" He said, he has blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Um, is allie here?" I asked him, allie is my sister, about 16 year old.

"Yeah she is, wait a second, babe there is someone on door for you" By judging him and calling my sister babe, he must be his boyfriend, but why is at home.

"Who is it?" Allie came, and my jaw dropped, my sister was only wearing a shirt that reached her thighs barely and her hair were messy.

"Oh my gosh hannah," She rushed to me hugging me tight. I embraced her, It felt so good to hug her. I wasn't like those sisters who get annoyed or angry with sister, me and my sister are truly best friends and I always miss her.

Tears were in her eyes, but I know that it were tears of joy. I wipe her cheek, and kissed her on forehead.

I then look at the guy and then look at allie.

"Oh yeah, um, hunter this is my sister hannah, and hannah this is my boyfriend hunter" He shake my hand, I smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you" I said, and then she took my bags into room.

Hunter already left, as he saw me and allie talking to each other.

"Where's mom?" I asked her,

"Oh, she is in a meeting, she will be here till 7" I nodded.

"Allie?" I said, she look at me


"Why are you wearing a shirt, there was a guy in the house and you were in front of him like that, that's dangerous ok" I said, she nodded.

"Actually, he gave me this shirt to wear it." She said, blushing.

"Did you guys have sex?" I said, she nodded her head.

"Allie," I glared at her.

"It was beautiful hannah, I felt so good, It's the best feeling ever, I never felt this way before, and now I think that I can't live without hunter" She said, I can see sparkles in her eyes, she is really happy with him.

"Allie, I know how you feel,  but I was just worried about you, you're my sister, and I don't anyone to hurt you" I said, hugging her

"I know sis, and don't worry, nothing will happen to me, I'm fine" She said,

"Well, you really should change, because If mom saw that, then you're in big trouble" She laughed going in her room.

I watched some tv, and switched through channels, when one channel caught my attention.

"Is hannah walters over harry styles, or harry is really getting crazy for hannah, as you can see allie was at the england airport boarding for her plane, while one direction were performing for their take me home tour in florida, some fans reported that harry was looking frustated and exhausted at concert, and he even chat with fans in concert, so my question for you is do you think hannah was flying to florida to see harry or harry and hannah are in their seperate ways, do tweet me your answers, bye"

The girl on channel said, I roll my eyes, these paps were really on my nerves, I can't even go anywhere without them following. I wonder if harry was really that frustated. I hope he is ok.

The door opened revealing my mom. She dropped the things in her hands and hugged me tight. I don't wanted to cry but how she hugged made me cry. I really really missed her these few couple of months.

"Mom,," I said, crying.

"I miss you so much hannah, I'm so happy you're here" I smiled at her

"Me too mom" We sit in living room.

We talked for an hour, my head was on her lap and she was stroking my hair, which was really calming. I always love it when she does it.

Allie came downstairs, in leggings and t-shirt. She cuddle with mom.

We then decided to watch a movie, allie made popcorns and I choose the movie. we decided to watch some new movies, that I already got.

I played the movie, and me and allie sit together while mom was on my side.

It was 11pm, when I yawned, I saw allie texting someone, and mom was eating popcorn and watching movie.

The movie ended after some few minutes and I said goodnight to mom, going in my room. which was the same. I changed into pjs and took out my favourite blanket and slept under it.

It feels so good to be home..

Hey guys, so song on the side is move by little mix and the photo is allie hannah's sister. 

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