~Chapter twelve~

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Summer Love

Chapter twelve

Today is going to be the first day of my college, my new life. I woke up pretty quick and took a shower, and as It was good weather, it was chilly outside. 

I wore a blue denim shirt, with black skinny jeans and black sneakers. I pinned my wavy hair at back and did make up, and going for breakfast.

I saw ashley in line, so I hugged her, she was not looking like the same ashley that I know, she was quiet, and she also didn't have breakfast, she just got herself a coffee. 

"Are you okay ashley?" She nodded drinking her coffee.

"You're not okay," I really can't see my best friend like this, I know it's hard but we have to get over.

We said our byes and went to our classes. It was going to be a long day.


I went to cafeteria with two girls that I met in my fashion design class, they are alice and kate.

Alice have pretty blue eyes and blonde hair and kate has brown hair with brown eyes, and she is so adorable.

I was laughing with them, when my phone started to rang, it was niall 

"Hi niall," 

"Hey hannah, what's up?"

"Having lunch with some new friends," 

"Is ashley with you." 

"I don't know I didn't see her,"

"Oh, Is she okay?" He asked, and now I know I can't lie to him.

"I don't know niall, she was crying last night, and today she was looking like a mess, she didn't even have breakfast," 


"Yeah niall, I'm so worried about her," 

"Don't worry I'll talk to her,"

"So how is my little irish leparchun," I teased him.

"Ah, hannah, you know I hate it when you call me leparchun," He says being annoyed


"So how are everyone," I said,

"Yeah they are good, we all miss you guys so much,"

"Awww me too,"

"And harry," 

"Um, he is good too,"

"I guess I'll talk to you later," I hang up the call.

I hope he is good, I just don't want to hear about harry anymore, because it will only make me cry and I want to move on, as he is moving on.


Hi guys, sorry for this short chapter I'll post next chapter by tomorrow, do vote and comment. Love u all <3

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