~Chapter thirty-two~

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Summer Love

Chapter thirty-two

 I sit on chair backstage with eleanor, as boys were getting ready. I can't help but stare at harry shirtless. He caught me looking at him, so he smirked. Oh god!

I started to talk to eleanor about stuff, just not to look at harry. Its too embrassing.

"Hannah, there is a surprise for you" Niall said, grinning. I wonder what is it.

"What?" I asked unsurely. I hope this isn't a prank, because one direction are really good at pranks.

"Turn around," I turn around as I was told, and there I saw that girl who i was willing to see in months, but she was busy in her courses.

I smiled and went to hug here. She hugged me tightly.

"Hannah," She said, sniffing.

"Ash," I whispered, it was ashley.

As I saw her, she looks so different. Her look is totally changed, she got short hair and straight, and her dressing sense also changed, she was wearing a red shirt with some black skinny jeans and black boots and a blazer on it. She even had a make up on. 

"You look.. different" I said, looking at her amazed. She looks so nice.

"So do you. Why are you even wearing that scarf," She said, maybe she doesn't know what happen with me.

I look down and went to sit where I was sitting, I wasn't sad or hurt. I was ashamed of myself, here ashley she is carefree what to ever, and me I can even take off the scarf of me, just because no one notices me.

Everybody seems to be quiet, even the boys. They were sad, and harry he came to me and rub my back with his soft hand. He mouthed 'it's going to be ok' I nodded.

There show was going to start, so it was only me, el, ashley and lou.

"What happen el? Is there something I should know?" Ash asked, el looked at me asking.

"I will tell you ash," I said, taking deep breaths. I look at her she looked confused.

So I started to tell her what happen, from how i lose my virginity to harry, and then he cheated on me, and then getting raped.

As I saw her face, she was in tears, her mascara was spreading on her cheek. She was crying, which made me started to burst into tears. She hugged me, whispering good things to me.

"I'm so sorry hannah, I wish I was here when you really needed me. I'm so pathetic, I wasn't even here to comfort you, to even stop you from running and getting raped. I'm sorry for not being with you when you were alone, when you were getting hurt, I'm so sorry" She burst into tears but then I hug her, as I saw el she was wiping her tears. We smiled and took her also into a hug.

"Ok, now I'm here we need to get to shopping, summer is coming, and we need to head off to mall." Ashley said, here is our ashley, funny and demanding.

"Yeah sure, I really need summer clothes," El said, smiling.

"What about you hannah?" Ash asked,

"Yeah sure guys," I said still thinking about harry. He was performing there, I can't help but stare at him, the way he laughs, and talks. I just miss everything about him.

"Hannah, are you still here?" Ashley snapped me out of thoughts.


"You were staring at harry for quite a while, what's on your mind?" Ashley asked,

"Harry," I said looking at him and then our eyes met, and he gave me assuring smile.

"What about him?" El asked,

"I don't know, but I think I really miss him, our relationship, he is just so good to me, and what I did, I just broke up with him and got raped. I can't even let him touch me," I said shaking my head, 

"Hannah, did he tried to touch you?" El asked, I shake my head.

"So don't worry, he doesn't care about your body, he cares about you, your smile, your happiness, ok" El said, I nodded.

"Yeah, el is right. He wants you to be happy hannah, ok, and I think you should decide what you wanna do ok" Ashley said, referring to me and harry's relationship. I smiled.


I really need to get my head clear, I do miss him, and I also want him back.


Thank u so so so so much guys, for 1.3k and now you have to make till 1.5k, cause I really want this story to spread out. I would appreciate if you guys just vote and if anyone wants to talk to me just kik me my kik is smalik21. I would always reply back.


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