~Chapter nineteen~

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Summer Love

Chapter nineteen

I hugged my mom and sister in a group that we always do. Mom was in tears, and allie was hugging me.

"Mom, I promise that I'll visit you soon," I said rubbing her back.

"I know sweetie, I love you so much," Mom said, and then I hugged her, saying her bye.

The cab drove to airport, here I'm going back to my life.

How much life changes when you decide to be yourself, and for me It is my life.


I was waiting for ashley to pick me up, she called me saying she will pick me from airport. Its been 10 minutes and there is no sign of ashley, but then a car pulled up in front of me, and then passenger door ashley came out, she hugged me tightly, I laughed.

"Hi, welcome" She said,

"Thank you," I said and then we both put my luggages in car.

I sit at back seat while she was in front with niall.

"Hey ni," I said,

"Hi hannah, how was your vacation?" Niall asked,

"It was awesome with my mom and sister, we had lot of fun," I said, but then niall look at me confused.

"You were with your mom," Niall asked.

"Yeah," I said unsurely, don't know why niall would ask that.

"Oh, ok ok" He said and then he started to drive the car.

Niall drive for 20 minutes, and ashley was dancing in the whole car ride, niall was glancing at her every minute.

They are just so adorable, I wish I was with harry this winter break, so we can spend every moment with each other, but I know that's impossible.


I put my luggage in my room, and emily crashed with a hug.

"Thank god you came, I missed you so much," Emily said while breathing heavily, It seems like she has been crying.

"Why? What happen?" I asked her confusely.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend," She said, 

"Who?" I asked her again,

"Cody, ashley's classmate" She said, and I got disappointed.

"Cody, our cody right?" She nodded.

"Wow, that's awesome so are you his girlfriend now?" She shake her head.


"I didn't respond but just ran away from him, thinking you like him," Emily was thinking that I like him, and thats why she doesn't want to come between me and cody, but I'm so done with relationships.

"No, I don't like him, he is just a friend, like a brother for me, I'm done with boys"

"Really?" She asked,

"Yeah, I just want to be alone for sometime," I said, sitting on my bed.

"Oh alright then, so should I say yes to him," 

"HELL YEAH," I yelled and we both started to laugh, I was so happy to be with my friends now, after what happen between me and harry, I wanted some friends support.

"Ok do you wanna go and eat something," I shake my head.

"No, I'm tired so I'm just gonna sleep" I said going to bed.

"Ok, I'll be back in an hour" 

"Ok bye have fun" I said and then she took her phone and wallet and went from room.

I decide to unpack my bags, so I did it. it took me 30 minutes to finish it.

I was watching tv, when my phone started to rang, I picked it up.

"Hello," No one speak from other line, 

"Who's this?" I asked again, but no response. I groaned and then line disconnected.

I shrugged and turned off tv and turning off lamp and going to sleep.

I was so confused with these calls, maybe it was harry, but we're done, and just someone pranking me.

I hope whoever he or she is, just don't bother me again.


Hi guys, sorry for short chapter, it's just filler chapter, from next chapter real things will start, like there would be more drama and fights and all of that stuff, so yeah if you love it, vote it, and tell me in comment who is your favourite character from this book, and yeah share this book also!! Love u all <3

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