~Chapter thirty-four~

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Summer Love

Chapter thirty-four

"Now tell us what happen?" El asked, as she crossed her hands, sitting beside ashley, she was smirking. I need to tell them everything that happened between me and harry. I nodded and told them everything.

"Really, mean you guys are back?" El said, I nodded. They started to tease me, for which I just ignore it.

"Wow, that's awesome, I'm so happy for you," El said as she and ashley hugged me. I can sense ashley was upset. I keep asking her was she okay, but she always said that she is fine, but i guess she is not fine.

Me, el and ashley were in room talking, while boys went for an interview, I was feeling alone so I called el.

We were watching boys interview, same old questions about tour and fans. Finally the question came for which I was waiting.

"Harry, we saw some photos of you and hannah, being together, even though you guys broke up a year ago," Harry nodded, and then some photos came on screen, first was me staring at harry, second was I cuddling with harry and third was cupping my cheek, as I closed my eyes.

"Um, yeah we are back together," Harry said, he was blushing, awww

"That's great, congratulations" The interviewer said as the show finished.

After an hour boys came and there was also food, so we all eat together, I can see that ashley wasn't eating much, niall keep insisting her too eat but she didn't, but she did eat some french fries after a while she went to washroom and started to throw up.

It was really weird, we all eat same fries, but nothing happened, maybe she is on her period or something that why she didn't eat  much.

We all started to watch movie on telly, me cuddlng with harry, louis, el, niall, zayn and liam, ashley fell asleep.

After watching some movies, boys started to sleep as movie ended, they made their way home, and I asked niall that he can stay the night cause ashley was sleeping, he agreed.

We turned all the lights off and went to our room, I changed into nighty dress, it was a pink chiffon dress revealing my bra and underwear. 

Harry look at me and his eyes got wide, I went to bed and layed down facing lamp side. I was smirking inside, maybe I wanted to feel harry again.

Harry lips touch my skin, and he gently moved to me his side, He was staring at me, He tucked my hair back and pulled me upwards and now I was on his lap, making out with him. 

He started to touch my stomach and waist. It was easy for him cause my nighty was cut from between.

In next hours, I was screaming his name, it was 2am, when I was out of breath and sweat and I slept instantly.


Sorry for short update guys, hope you like it xx


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