~Chapter twenty-five~

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Summer Love

Chapter twenty-five

Last night was the best night ever, every thing was so beautiful, and perfect. Harry really made me feel beautiful.

Now I was laying on bed naked, with harry. I finally decided to get up, I wore a robe and went to washroom to take a shower, and came out with towel wrapped, harry was still sleeping.

I wore a navy polka dot front blouse with black leggings and curled my hair, and did my make up.

I went to wake harry up, but he didn't woke up, so I decided to do one thing,

"HARRY EDWARDS STYLES, GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED, OR I'M GONNA KILL ALL THE CATS" His eyes fluttered open, I was laughing so hard.

I was laughing so hard, his grab my hand and pulled me towards him, I pushed him back and started to run, I came to a wall, and he was coming to me smirking. I was pinned to wall, and harry came in front of me, putting his hands in side of my face side, not wanting me to go.

"Harry, we're getting late" I said, trying to go but his face comes in front of me.

"Not so fast babe," He said, and then he hand went to my thighs, he grab my waist and pulled me into him, my face was so close to him, my breath was getting louder. He started to kiss my neck, I moaned in pleasure. It was my weak spot, now he was kissing my lips. 

"Harry we really have to go," I said, disappointment was on his face. What I did wrong?

He went to washroom, well I went to get something to eat.

I was drinking coffee when harry came. He drank juice and eat a banana.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked coldly, I nodded taking my bag, and going in car. I turned on radio.

Taylor swift song was on, harry tensed up and change the station.

"What happen, why did you changed?" I frowned, 

"I don't like that song, and not even her" He said,

"But.." He stopped the car, going out. I don't know what is wrong with him, as I saw he was at starbucks.

Why was he acting all moody? Why wasn't he even listening taylor's song? 

He came back with a coffee, and was drinking it while driving.

"Harry you alright?" I asked,

"Yeah why not babe," He said cheerily, one time he was pissed off and now he is all cheer.

 Is he bipolar or something?

I just shrugged and look outside the window, today the day was little sunny, and the summer is also coming in few weeks.

I still remember the summer, when we met for first time.

It was the best summer ever, but don't what this summer brings for us.

"Someone is happy." Harry said, I didn't realize I was grinning. I nodded.

"Summer is coming," I said,


We arrive at the arena, and now the boys were getting ready, lou was styling harry's hair, while I was giving clothes to niall, that he was gonna wear tonight.

I sighed as I was done with boys. I sit on chair, my legs were still sore, by last night's event. I can't even walk properly.

Eleanor saw me in pain, and came to me.

"Are you alright?" She asked placing her hand on my shoulder, I shake my head.

"Why what happen?" 

"My legs are sore, it's hurting" I said 

"Why are your, oh ... um.. really did you guys did that?" I nodded, she squealed in happiness.

"Don't worry, everything will be ok, the pain will go away and how was it? Did you enjoy it?" She asked, I nodded.

"It was really awesome, beautiful." I blushed, I really don't have words for last night.

"Aww, I'm so happy for you" She said hugging me and then she help me get up.

We both hang out at backstage, after some minutes ashley also joined.


As boys came backstage, I hugged all of them, and so did el and ashley.

"You were so awesome and incredible boys" I said grinning.

"Yeah, I was so nervous, we get to perform our new single, story of my life" Niall said,

"I totally love that song, it's so beautiful, full of memories" Ashley said, 

We were talking at backstage when harry motioned me to come with him.

"What happen harry?" I asked him, he seems nervous and serious.

"i need to tell you something"


Hey guys , so cliffhanger, yeah drama and all of that stuff, so I'm not really loving this chapter, its crappy but yeah. Whatever. Do vote and comment :)

~ saba

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