~Chapter sixteen~

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Summer Love

Chapter sixteen

My heart beat was beating so fast, my breath was stuck in my throat. He was here, his curls were up, and his green orbs were looking into mine blue. I saw sadness in his eyes, and more than  all, I can see the need that was in them.

"Hannah" Ashley snapped me out of thoughts.

"Um, yeah hey niall" I hugged niall, and said hi to harry.

We walked with them to their car, we all hugged her and then I hugged niall. He whispered in my ear,

"He is here for you, just talk to him" I nodded, he smiled at me.

"Bye ash, do call me" I said,

"Yeah I won't survive without you," I laughed and then I waved her bye.

Alice and kate went to their rooms, harry and me were standing there awkwardly.

Somebody really needs to speak, I gave up and was going to my room, and harry pushed me towards him, kissing me with lust.

I cried in kiss, he opened his eyes, and kiss my eyes.



We cried with each other. I really really want him.

"I need you hannah, I can't live without you. Please just come back to me"


"Hannah, my body is hurting, my heart is not accepting that we're apart. Please don't do this, Please" 

His green eyes were full of tears, that may spill anytime.

"Harry, I also need you, but we should move on" I said,

"Move on, are you serious, how we should move on, I can't, I really can't. I tried so many times, I kissed other girls, trying to sleep with them, but I can't something in me tell me that It's wrong with you, I can't" He says.

"Harry please" I said with pleading eyes.

"Wow hannah, you love me, you cried, but you are pushing me why hannah" 

"Because you're a big popstar, and I'm just.. a simple girl" I said going back.

"I don't care, I only want you ok" He said coming towards me.

And that time I said that thing, that I will always regret.


I run to my room, closing the door.

I can't believe I said this, I hurted harry, I loved him, but I screwed everything.

I cried and cried, looking at the picture of me and him, which I framed it. Harry was smirking, his hands on my waist and I was looking in his eyes, our heads touching, my hands on his neck.


"Harry" I was laughing my heart out. He was pushed into water by niall.

We spend 2 hours in pool and then harry went to shower and I changed into some shorts and shirt.

He came to me, in a t-shirt and pants.

We spend that day together near pool talking and goofing around.

We started to dance, harry was singing a song for me, and dancing.

Thats when our heads touched, his hands on my waist and mine on his neck.

"I love you hannah" He said, and then leaned in to kiss me.

Flashback over

I packed my bag, and all the stuff that I will need, I was going to spend my 2 weeks with my mom.

Its been 2 days since me and harry met. He didn't call or text me.

Today is my flight to california, where my mom and sister live.

It was in some hours, I called a cab and made my way to airport.

As I came to airport, I put my sun glasses, so people can't recognise me, there are some fans who do realize I was harry's girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, I love fans, but I just can't answer their questions.

I was sitting in waiting room, for my flight to be called. I was reading a magazine, when one picture caught my attention,


There were an interview of them in it. I read it, and then harry's who is saying he is single.

My flight was being called, I put that magazine in my bag and went to flight.

I finally got my seat which was near the window, there was a girl sitting next to me, who was about 15 or 16.

I plugged my headphones in ipod, listening to selena gomez's new album stars dance(A/N: Love the album, it's so awesome)

I was reading a novel, if I stay and thats when I saw the girl was staring at me.

"Do you want to say something," I said,

"You're harry's girlfriend hannah" She said,

"Used to be," I said,

"What are you saying, aren't you back?"

"What are you talking about," 

She showed me a picture, where we were in parking lot, kissing each other.

"No we aren't"


Then she took a photo with me, and I signed a diary for her.

Hey guys, whats up? Ok, so this chapter is really sad, thats because I'm so broken I don't know maybe I'm missing someone. The song of this chapter is love will remember, by selena gomez. so you should listen when you're reading this. Do vote and comment, love u all <3


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