~Chapter thirty-five~

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Hey guys, just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who were with this story, or who were reading, thank you guys so much, I started this story in summer, and now its winter, I really appreciate your love, comments votes and reads. You guys are really incredible, its last chapter now, i know i'm sorry but I have to end it and don't worry there are more stories, my next story cold coffee is also coming to an end, but guess what 2 new stories are getting uploaded, so do read it guys i would appreciate it ok now get to the story xx

Summer Love

Chapter thirty-five

The summer is just around the corner, 3 years back I was just a normal girl, who came to london to enjoy her summer, and now i've become fashion designer spending my summer with my love, 

I packed my bag, harry told me this morning, that we all are going to paris, means, me, ashley, el, danielle, perrie, and all boys. I put my cosmetics in small bag and my other personal items in bigger bag. 

A strong soft arms hold me close, I got scared first, but familiar chuckled made me calm down.

"Harry, you scared the shit out of me," I said, shaking my head, he just deeply chuckled.

"Ehmm, so are you done packing?" He asked glancing at my bags, I nodded.

"Well I also just finished," He said,

"So when is our flight," I asked looking at him. 

"Tomorrow morning at 6am," I furrowned, why it has to be so early.

"Why?" I whined

"Because I don't want to lose my girlfriend in crowd, and don't worry when we will reach paris, you're not gonna lost," I raised my eyebrows, what is he saying.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked but he just smirked, maybe he is gone mad.

"Ok, now we should sleep," I said, but he stopped me.

"Maybe I deserve some dessert after spicy dinner," I blushed at his comment, oh god! 

"Ehmm, but I didn't made spicy dinner," I put my arms around his neck, smirking.

"But still, everyone wants dessert," He said, its on baby!

"Oh really, oh its in fridge, you can go and eat ice cream," I teased, but he pulled me towards him, and started kissing me hungrily, guess he wins. 

He took off my t-shirt, kissing every part of my body. His eyes were full of lust and love. 

That night we just keep kissing each other, not more than that.

I woke up at 3am, and got ready, I just wore shorts, with white tank top, and sneakers. Harry was already ready, so we left for airport, there we meet everyone, ashley was still sleeping, she is not a morning person.


We came to a hotel, I was rooming with ashley, danielle and el, zayn and perrie, louis and liam, niall and harry. I just went to bed as soon as we stepped in my room, it was a really beautiful room, it also had terrace. 

We woke up at dinner time, and went to really nice italian restaurant. It was incredible. Niall just keep eating more food, typical ni!

The waiter was probably thinking what weirdos we are, we all went for a walk, but then harry stopped me.

"Um hannah, I wanna take you out," He said,

"Harry you're asking like you're in high school or something," He chuckled which made me giggle.

"Well, as I was saying I wanna take you out, tomorrow at 7pm, wear something fancy," He winked, I nodded, and then we started to walk.

Today was the day, I got some really awesome fancy dress, not so fancy but not too casual too. It was a white chiffon dress, I wore it with some nude heels, el did my make up and ashley my hair, my hair were in side up do. I must say I do look cute.

As we were talking, the knock on door interuppted us. I hugged el, ashley and danielle, and went to open the door, harry was standing there in a tuxedo.

His jaw dropped, as he saw me. I also can't stop staring at him.

"You.. You look.. beautiful," I grinned.

"You look handsome too," I said blushing. He took my hand and then we went in a lemousine.

Driver was driving for 10 minutes, until it stopped, harry offered me his hand, as I got out, we came at a fancy french restaurant.

And as harry was gentlemen, he keep his hands on me, all the time, until we went inside, and ordered our food

After dinner, harry took me somewhere, I don't know where, cause I was blindfolded.

As he opened the blindfold, I was overwhelmed by the scene. Everything was beautiful, a romantic music playing, candles burning. Everything was perfect.

"Harry, its awesome," Harry took my hand, and then we started to dance slowly to the sound of music. He stopped and then got on one knee. NO WAY!

"Hannah, I loved you through all my life, even though I made many mistakes, we've been through a lot of things, and I still love you with all of my heart. I want to be with you in this life and after life, so basically I wanna say will you marry me?" Tears welled up in my eyes,

"YES" I screamed, then he placed the ring on my finger, lifting me up and kissing me lightly.

Maybe the summer had just started now!


End of summer love!! Hope you guys would like it xx

PS: On external link there is my new story diana, do read it xx


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