~Chapter twenty-nine~

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Summer Love

Chapter twenty-nine

Harry's POV

Today hannah was getting realesed from hospital, I packed her bag while she was getting ready. She came out in a long shirt, leggings and a huge scarf covering her arms and front part. I can't blame her, she will get through this, feeling insecure about herself. She looked at me, when I look at her she looked away.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked her politely, she nodded. Hannah haven't speak in one week, and I want to listen her voice so badly.

I hold her hand tightly and my other hand on her waist, she snuggled into my arms, and we got through the paps and the fans.




Words being thrown on us, hannah started to cry, which made my heart broke. I can bear anything just not her tears, I started to rub her back, as we sit in car, hannah started to cry.

I tried to calm her down but she moved away from me shaking her head.

"Hannah, don't believe them, please" She nodded quietly and leaned back in car looking outside the window. I took her hand and interwined it.

She looked at our hands and then look away. I was just willing to make her smile, but no chance. I just want my hannah back, who is always smiling, giggling and teasing, who gets angry at small things, who makes the romantic scene wasted, who blushes and that hannah who loves me.

We came to my flat, and I took hannah out from car, and leaded her to flat. I don't wanted to make her uncomfortable, so I put her stuff in guest room, so she doesn't feel uneasy.

"You take rest, I'll be down, if you need anything tell me, plus eleanor will be here in hour, so make yourself home" I said before going out from her room. I shut the door and went downstairs.


"How's she feeling?" Louis asked me, it been 2 hours since we came home, louis was here with eleanor.

"I don't know, she isn't saying anything, not a single word, she is either just nodding or shaking." I shake my head. I really do miss my hannah.

"Don't worry mate, she will be ok" Louis said with a smile, I nodded.

Hannah's POV

I was drinking my coffee that harry got for me. I wasn't speaking with harry, and that's because I'm still in shocked that he is still beside after what happen with me. I want him to know that I still love him, but I'm just so scared to admit it myself.

A knock on door snapped me out of thoughts and I opened it and saw el smiling at me. I hugged her and told her to come in.

We sit on my bed and then she asked me if I was okay, I told her i was, but deep inside I wasn't. That night wasn't a night that could be forgotton. For me, it was a nightmare, that would haunt me for rest of my life.

"I'm sorry el, for hanging you here, but I really need to shower" I said to el, I was feeling dirty and I need to get that dirt out of me.

"Don't worry, I'm waiting for you go ahead" I smiled and then took my clothes, which consist of some leggings and a hoodie. Even though it was summer, i still feel like to be in it forever.

As I stripped out of my clothes, I got inside the shower and started to wash my hair, shampooing and conditioning it. I took the sponge and put body wash on it and started smudging on my body.

I was scrubbing when I get a fast flashback of that guy kissing me. I throwed the sponge and fall down in tub causing other things in washroom to fall.

Then I started to scream as the flashbacks stays in my mind.

Eleanor's POV

I was currently on twitter talking with one of fans when I heard something cracked, and then I heard screaming, I rushed to washroom's door and there I heard screaming and names.

"Harrryyy, no., please noooo" She screamed so I rushed to harry and told him. He rushed in the room and we keep knocking and calling her but all we heard was screaming and names, so harry broke down the door, and there I saw naked hannah, lying in tub with water her eyes closed. 

I gave harry the robe and he covered her and brought her in room, me and louis tried to shake her, but she wouldn't wake up. 

Harry started to press his hand on his chest and hannah's coughed. The water started to come out of her mouth. 

"Hannah, are you okay?" I asked her she nodded.

"Hannah.." Harry said, me and louis saw his face so we decided to go downstairs to leave them alone.


Hi guys, sorry for long wait, and this is really emotional chapter, but I still love it, hope you guys will also love it. So here's the question, what is your favourite track from midnight memories, well mine is probably you & I and strong!! :) Tell me in comments :)


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