~Chapter thirteen~

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Summer Love

Chapter thirteen

It was 7pm, I was doing some work and emily was watching tv. 

"So did harry styles cheated on his girlfriend hannah," My attention got towards tv, and I saw his photo kissing a brunette girl, the pencil dropped from my hand.

Emily came towards me, rubbing my back. A tear streamed down my face, but I know we had break up and I shouldn't be crying.

"I'm fine," I said and got up to go from here.

"Where are you going,"

"I just need air, I'll be back in hour or two," I said and wore my jacket.

I got out from dorm, and started to walk faster.

The air was fast, and it was cold, I rubbed my arms, tears were spilling down my face.

I wonder what he wrote on letter was even true, or what he said to me when we were together, did he took advantage of me?

I wanted to scream, shout and hit him for what he did, but I can't, if I ever did too, he'll hope that I'll go back with him.

I sit on a bench, I cried embracing myself, my phone started to rang.


"Hannah, where are you, I wanted to tell you something," Ashley seemed happy.

"I'm at park, I'm coming," I hang up and going back to hostel.

I went to starbucks first to get myself and then some girls came to me, asking for a photo.

"How's harry?" The girl in glasses asked me.

"We're not together anymore," I said as I took my coffee and went to my dorm.

I went to ashley's dorm, I saw her smiling widely.

"Ok now you are looking so happy, so tell me what happen?" She laughed

"Niall called, and he said he misses me and now we're together, I'm going to see him in winter break," 

"Awww, I'm so happy for you," I hugged her.

"Thanks, um, hannah, I was wondering, if you could also go back with harry," 

"No ashley, I can't I think he got someone new," She looked at me confuse.

"What do you mean, he still loves you, right?" 

"I think you should go on twitter or tumblr?" I said and then she opened her labtop going on twitter, and there she saw picture of harry kissing a girl.

 "I'm so sorry," 

"Its ok, maybe I wasn't good enough for him," I said while wiping my tears.

"No, you are perfect, you can get any guy hannah, he doesn't deserve you," She hugged me, I cried on her shoulder.

Harry is a liar, and he played with my heart, and broke it.

"Ok, I think I should go, I'll see you in morning," 


I woke up at usual time, and get ready for uni, and then I checked my phone and saw 3 miss calls, and 5 text messages. 

It were liam, el, louis and niall.

They were trying to convince me what I think isn't true.

My phone rang, and it was el.

"Hey el, what's up?" I said picking up call.

"Hi hannah, how r u, are you okay?" She says

"Yeah I'm fine, what happened to me." I laughed

"I'm saying about harry, harry was drunk and he didn't know who she is," She says

"I don't care el, I wanted him to move on, like I did," 

"Really, did you really moved on hannah," I sighed

"No, I didn't, because I can't forget him, I still love him, but we're aren't meant to be together," I said, 

"Everything is possible hannah, just give him one chance, he will prove to you that he loves you," She says

"There is nothing left to prove, he have to move on," I hang up the call.

I took long breath and then went to have breakfast, with ashley.

There was a guy with ashley, who have really blue eyes, and brown hair.

"Hannah, this is cody my classmate and cody this is hannah, my best friend," I shake his hand and he smiled at me showing his adorable smile.

"Nice to meet you," He says. I just smile.

"I must say ashley you have really cute best friend," I blushed.

Hey guys, sorry for late update, I'm so sick guys, so next chapter would be up till tuesday till then bye lovely people, pray for me I get well soon xx


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