~Chapter twenty-two~

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Summer Love

Chapter twenty-two

Do you ever have a feeling when you think you're winning everything but losing one thing, that hurts the most? Well I was having that feeling right now, I was winning everything, I've become a designer and got everything, but one thing was there which I was losing and that is


I know that I'm happy in my life but losing harry was the most hurtful thing, all those years that I've been through were hurtful. 

I know I can date anyone but replacing someone on that place where harry is just hurtful.

"Hannah, are you alright?" I was snapped out of thoughts by harry. He was looking at me confused, I nodded.

"You seems like you were to cry" Harry said,

"No, i'm not, I was just thinking" I said.

"Uhm, ok. We're here" He parked the car next to one car. I got out and was crashed by hugs and kisses.

We went to the beach and boys were shirtless wearing their shorts and ashley, me, eleanor, danielle, and perrie we were in our bikinies laying on towels talking and laughing.

The boys were in water splashing water at each other and then harry met my eyes smiling. There was so much happiness in his eyes and I don't know why, but I hope whatever the reason is, hope it makes him happy. 

I was reading the book when harry came to me, picking me up.\

"HARRY EDWARD STYLES PUT ME DOWN" He throw me in the water and then he started to splash water on me, and I did too, until he came closer to me.

His hands resting on my waist and mine on his neck. We were so close the water was dripping down his abs.

He leaned in and pulled me towards him even more close. I bet he can hear my heart beat. He took my hand and place it on his left chest.

"Do you feel it?" He whispered I nodded.

"It beats for you," He said,

"What do you-" I was cut off by harry saying,

"Do you ever think that I would believe those words that you said to me 2 years back, you're so bad at lying, I know that you still love me." My jaw dropped, and he was right I am bad at lying that's why I don't lie to anyone, but how did he notice.

"Please just don't stop me today, I've had enough, Please" I nodded, and then he leans in and kiss me.

It was so beautiful, I can still feel the sparks in the kiss and butterflies in my stomach. The same feeling is still here and I can say that I still love him.

"I want to make you mine forever," Harry said, and I cried.

"I'm sorry did I say something wrong?" He said and I shake my head.

"No, I'm sorry for everything harry, and I'm so happy and you didn't let me go" I said and lean in and kiss him on cheek.

"I want to be yours" I said,

"You will be, do you wanna go out today with me" I nodded grinning.

"Ok, then um, today at 8" I nodded and then he hugged me pulling up.

"Then let's get going" He said, 

We got out of water and I wore my shorts and t-shirt, taking my stuff.

"Where are you going?" Ashley asked,

"Yeah are you bored?" Eleanor said,

"Did something happen?" Dani said, I shake my head.

"No actually I have to go somewhere at 8" I said,

"Where? You didn't told me" Ashley whined,

"Um, sorry ash, It just happened right now, I'll tell you tomorrow ok" I said,

"And yeah I have a lot of fun," I kissed their cheeks and left to go in harry's car.

As I sit in car, I can see harry was smiling a lot, like A LOT!

"Why are you smiling?" I said, and then he blushed, aww

"I just got back the most precious thing" He said,

"Ahaan, and how do you know that you got her back?" I said smirking.

"By looking at her smile" I blushed,


I took a shower, and now I was choosing what to wear, until a knock interuppted me.

"Hey," It was allie.

"Hi" I said as I went through clothes.

"What are you finding?" She said,

"I have a date with harry, can you help me figure out what to wear" I said,

"Sure," She went through my dresses, and clothes.

"So is it casual or something fancy?"

"Casual" I said,


She look through my skirts and matching some shirts too. Finally she took out the outfit.

It was a blue skinny jeans, with black high neck tank top and to cover it a plain knitted cardigan. She wanted me to wear heels but I wore converse. 

I did my make up and was applying perfume when allie told me harry is here, I nodded and slipped in my converse and took my bag and went downstairs where I saw mom laughing with harry.

"Hey" I said and there attention divert to me.

"You look amazing," Harry said, I mumbled him 'thanks'

"Don't be out to late, ok sweety and you too harry" Mom said with a strict tone, but soon it was in grin.

"I'm so happy that you two are back together" Mom said hugging me.

"Ok we should get going," I said and then we left the house.

Hey guys, what's up? I hope you like this book, and I'm so loving this chapter! and there will be long chapters from now :D and have anyone heard story of my life, and that song really relates to me, except it about girl but mine relates to boy! so yeah ! Love u all <3


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