~Chapter twenty-four~

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Summer Love

Chapter twenty-four

After 1 year

It's been one year, since me and harry are back together, I've been living in harry's flat, and I'm also fashion designer of them, going with them, on tours and concerts and it was a lot of fun.

Today was 1 year anniversary of me and harry being together. I woke up at 10am, and felt something cold on my bed, my eyes fluttered open and saw my whole bed with red petals. I look towards night set table, and saw a red rose, and a card, that says,

Happy 1st anniversary hannah, I love you so much, can't believe it's been 1 year. I hope we always stay like this.

Love harry <3

I smiled at his sweet little note, even though it wasn't many words but it still means a lot to me. I got off the bed, and took a shower, and changed a white lace dress with a black belt on waist and curled my hair, and did a side updo and did my make up.

Today was a free day, so I will just stay home, and spend it with harry.

As I went downstairs I saw no one in house, maybe harry went somewhere. I went in the kitchen to get something to eat, but saw a plate full of pancakes, and a cup of coffee.

I smiled at it, and started eating it, I was eating when I recieved a text message. I was expecting it from harry but it was from el, congrating me on 1 year anniversary.

I wish harry was here, don't know where the hell he is, I tried to call him, but he won't pick it up.


It was 6pm now and there was no sight of harry, I hope he is ok, now I was getting impatient until a a door bell interuppted me.

I went to open and saw harry, I was so pissed off at him. How the hell he did this to me. I went to my room leaving him there. I was really really pissed off.

"Hannah, wait" Harry called but I closed the door, he knocked many times but then he stopped. I came out of room after some minutes, as I was going, no one was there, so I came back in my room, and saw all the candles were placed in room and the smell of roses and petals made me smile and then harry came from back and hug me. He placed small kisses on my neck and cheeks.

"Happy anniversary baby" He said, and leaned in to kiss me.

His kiss made me giggle, it was sweet but with teasing too. I laughed at his cheekiness.

"I'm sorry for leaving you behind like that" He said, I nodded.

"Now everything is fine," I said and then we cut the cake that he bought, and eat it, I gave harry a gift, it was a rolex watch.

"Close your eyes." He said and I did but then he came behind my back and placed something cold on my neck as I open I saw a silver pendal on which H was craved in it.

"H for harry," I said, he blushed.

"Yeah" I kiss him passionately.

Now we were slow dancing at the music of piano and candles covering us. Harry hugged me from behind, and started to kiss my neck and cheeks. As I look in his eyes, I saw a lust and need, maybe this was the time, I have to gave my everything to him, and I know that I'm positive.

"I'm ready" I said, feeling my breath going heavy and I took of my shoes.

"You are," He asked, I nodded, he lean in to me and started to kiss me. I laughed.

I blow the candle and continued what we have started, and I know I'm right about it. 


Hey guys, how are you? So it took a really long to upload the chapter, and that was because I'm being busy lately so yeah some more chapters and then the book is officially finished. so yeah. Hope you like this chapter and do tell me what do u think about it? and yeah guys did you watch story of my life I was so freaking emotional when I saw it so yeah on side bar there is the song if anyone haven't watch it!! 


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