~Chapter twenty-seven~

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Summer Love

Chapter twenty-seven

After 6 months

I took the outfit and gave to lou so she can give it to harry. I was ignoring him from morning, I really don't have any thing to say to him. What he wanted to do, he did.

"Hannah, can we talk?" Harry said, coming close to me, but I moved other side.

"I'm busy," I said taking out outfits of other boys and giving to them, and then I just sit there going on twitter and instgram.

He just shake his head, and changed into his clothes, while I was helping other to wear their outfits. 

"All the best boys" I said and hug them all except harry. His smile faded, maybe he was thinking I'm gonna hug him.

As they went on stage, I hang out with lou at backstage and playing with lux. I was looking at harry, I can see he was really upset.

"So the next song that we're gonna sing is really special, and I want to dedicate that song to someone special, and that song is over again" He said and then look at me smiling weakly. It means that song is for me.

 Through out the whole song, harry keep looking at me. I feel so guilty not to talk to him, but I really needed a break. He even cried too, which made me break down in tears too.

I took my mobile and jacket, running outside. Lou keep calling my name, but I just said that I want to stay alone.

I was running for 20 minutes and I have no idea where the hell I am. I wasn't even near any park or cafe.

I took a long breath, and was walking when I heard some voices, first I thought it was some animal but then I saw 3 men coming towards me, bottles in their hands. I panicked and started to walk faster, but they caught me.

"Where do you think you're going?" One men said, I shake my head, but he smirked.

"Hey cody, I think we should have some fun with her, what do you say?" Another men said to first one who speak.

"Yeah she look pretty hot, come on baby. Come with us" He started to drag me, but I didn't. 

"No, let me go, please" I pleaded, but they didn't listen. I bite one's hand and then started to run, but they pushed me back, I screamed and yelled.

"Shut up you bitch," Two men hold my hands, and one put his hand on my mouth, He was sitting on my legs, then he took out something and put on my mouth, it was a clothing. 

One guy took off my jacket, My eyes widened as one guy started to take off his shirt.

No it can't happen. One guy ripped my shirt and slapped me on face too, as I was punching them. 

Another guy hold my legs and one my hands, and the last guy he started to kiss me. I cried and prayed someone would come help.

He took off his pants and when the pain got inside of me, I screamed, and other 2 guys also did the same, and then the left me hopeless on road. 

Harry's POV

Me and boys were now at backstage, drinking water and sitting with lou. Lou told us hannah run away, she wants to be alone, but now its been 2 hours she haven't returned or called.

"Guys, I think we should find hannah," I said, louis nodded.

"Yeah harry's right, I'm having a bad feeling that something is wrong," Niall said,

We all decided to go to familiar places to check, we went to el's house too, but she said she didn't came here, and other places too, but no sight of hannah.

We called her house too but no success, she wasn't even there.

We were currently in starbucks catching our breath. I need to find her, I hope she is fine.

I should've have hurt her, and if something happens to her, I won't forgive myself.

A phone ring interuppted my thoughts, It was zayn's phone.

"Yes, I'm her friend," Zayn said and nodded.

"What? Which hospital?" He said, I put my coffee on table.

"Ok, we'll be right there," He hang up the call, he looked sad.

"What happen? Who was it?" I asked him.

"The call was from hospital, about hannah, he told me that.. hannah got raped, but 3 guys, 1 hour ago and she is in the hospital" 

My world stopped, after getting to know what happened, why she have to be in it? Why?

I'm sorry hannah, I'm so sorry, but I won't let anything happen to you.


Hi guys, so sad chapter. I cried writing this, I'm really emotional person, I just can't write these stuff, it just makes my heart break and i start to cry. So do vote and comment 


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