~Chapter ten~

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Summer Love

Chapter ten

 I packed my last bag, and put it near the door, where all my bags were placed. I took a glance at my room, tomorrow I'm going to leave this house, this room where so many memories were made.

A tear streamed down my face, I wipe it away and then ashley came, hugging me, I cried on her shoulder, letting all tears come out.

I really can't do this, I can't hurt harry.

"Ashley, I really can't do it, I can't hurt him, he would break down," I said as tears spilled out of my eyes.

"You have to hannah, please." She says as she keeps her hands on my shoulder, I nodded and called harry.

"Hey babe, whats up?" He said happily, I wipe my tears,

"Harry, I want to meet you right now, please come to my house," I said.

"Babe, what happen, are you okay?" He said, 

"Harry please, I want to talk to you about something," I said harshly.

"Ok, I'll be there at 10," He says and hung up the call.

I wash my face, and sit on my bed waiting for harry,

I heard a car pulled into garage, I look from my window and saw harry getting out, I got off bed and went downstairs, he was already in.

I run to him and jumped into his arms, hugging him tight, he was shocked at my reaction, but then he hugged me back, I took him to my room.

"What happen babe, why are you upset? Did something happen?" He ask me as he took me into his arms.

"Harry there is something you should know," I said as he look into my eyes.

I gave him an envelope in which there was a ticket of mine, and a letter from university of london.

He tear it open and look at it, his eyes widened.

"No, no no no you're already leaving, why you didn't told me before?" He yelled, tears came in my eyes, not because he yelled but I was going to hurt him.

"Harry I was scared, I'm sorry," I said as i face him.

"WHY?" he said, I got scared of his voice, I moved back from him.

"No hannah, I didn't mean to yell, don't walk away," He says as he put his hand on my face.

I cried and then he hugged me, I cried on his shoulder, just some hours then I'll never see him again.

"I love you harry," I said and then he leaned and kiss me with all love, tears started to come out of his eyes, I wipe it and then we kissed again.

"When is your flight," He says and I told him tomorrow at 7pm.

We spend next hours cuddling and just crying but then he started to tell me jokes, We goof around and then we took a lot of pictures.

It was 2am, when he went to his hotel.


I woke up at 12pm, and took a shower, brushing my teeth and changed into some ripped jeans, and a plain black shirt and went downstairs and saw liam, louis, harry, niall, zayn,perrie, eleanor, danielle and ashley. They were sitting in living room talking, as they saw me, louis came and hugged me.

In these couple on days me and louis are quite close, I hugged everyone and then I went to eat something, after that we all watched movies, harry cuddled with me, smiling at me.

It was 2pm, when I changed  into a plain shirt, print leggings, and red cardigan. I put my hair wavy and wore a black beanie and wore my shoes, it was 3pm, and then I went downstairs and put all my stuff in car and meet everyone last time, I was going when eleanor gave me a packet, that was for me and ashley, we group hugged and then we left for airport, 

Luckily there weren't many fans, we sit on benches until our flight would be called, I cuddled with harry, 

Finally it was time for flight I hugged everyone and promised them I'll stay in touch and ashley also promised to them.

I came to harry,

"I guess this is a goodbye," I said sadly.

"I don't know, I just can't say goodbye," He said as tears came into his eyes.

I kissed him and then he gave me a packet,

"Open it when you'll land there," He smiled I wonder what is it.

"Ok," I said and then I hugged him last time and then me and ashley went to securities, going into plane.

As I sit in plane, It started to move, ashley was already slept, but I wasn't feeling to sleep, 

I plugged my head phones in my ears and listened to 'summer love'

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