~Chapter twenty-eight~

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Summer Love

Chapter twenty-eight

Hannah's POV

I adjusted my eyes to open, as I opened them, I saw everything white, and machines attached with me. I got confused and then I feel a warm hand in my hand, as I saw it was, it was sleeping harry, holding my hand.

Why the hell I am here? What happen?

Concert, that song, me running away, and then those 3 guys. I started to scream, as I realised what happen, I look at myself and started to cover myself, even though there were clothes on me, but I still felt dirty and naked. 

"Hannah, hannah. I'm here" Harry wrapped his arm around me, I shrugged away and tried to move away from him.

"Hannah.." He tried to touch me, but I moved away my face. 

He wiped the tears that were falling from his eyes, and went out from the room. 

Harry's POV

I came out from the room, I know she isn't in the same situation, I think maybe she need some girl who can understand her, so I told her to go see her.

"Are you okay mate?" Louis asked, as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I nodded,

"I just want her to be okay, I just wish that I haven't cheated on her," I said shaking my head, as tears spilled down my cheek.

"I know mate," Louis said, just then liam came with coffee. I took one and started drinking it, maybe coffee could calm me down.

Liam gave the coffee to el too, as she came out from the room, she looked sad.

"What happen el?" I asked her, she just shake her head.

"Hazza, she is so much broken," louis hugged as she cried on her shoulder.

After an hour hannah's mom and sister came. Her mom face was wet with all the crying, and hannah look worried.

"Where's my daughter?" She asked, I pointed to the room, she nodded and then she went inside with allie.

Hannah's POV

The door opened, revealing my mom and sister. She took me in her arms, I cried on her shoulder, I really missed her, I wish she was here, when it happened.

"Mom, where were you?" I cried, 

"I'm here baby, I'm here, I'm sorry" She hugged me tight, I saw allie crying, I pulled away from mom, and then allie hugged me.

She cried on my shoulder, we both were sobbing now, just then el and dani came inside. They're eyes were also teary.

My mom got to el and hugged her. She smiled weakly at her.

"I'm really thank full eleanor and danielle that you were here with her, I don't know what will happen if you weren't here" She said, but then my head started to spin, allie saw it and started to ask me what happen, but before I can say anything, everything went black.


Hey guys, I am so sorry for short chapter, but my labtop is about to dead, and yeah guys did you listen midnight memories, well I did, i love it so so much, every song is beautiful, tell me in comment which was your favourite, and vote for this story, and yeah guys this story reached 1k, wow.. I screamed when I saw today, I was like how the hell this happened. Well, i freaked out, and yeah. Next update would be on saturday.


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