~Chapter twenty-six~

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Summer Love

Chapter twenty-six

Harry's POV

I look at hannah, she was looking so happy and cheery. I can tell she can't handle the truth, but I have to tell her.

 "Hannah," I hold her hand and kiss it, she blushed.

"What I'm going to tell you is really hard for me and you" She nodded,

"Hannah, I cheated on you with taylor swift" I choked out, she removed her hand from my grip and started to walk backwards, still staring at me.

"Hannah list-"

"STOP!" She said, glaring at me. I hope she understands that I didn't did this on my own, the management made me do this.

I was hoping she would listen me, but the next thing she did was unexpected.

She slapped me.

I totally deserve this, after what I did to her. She needs to beat me.

"I can't believe it," She said, as tears rolled down her cheek.

"You, you cheated on me, all this time I- I was thinking that it was my mistake that I left you, I was regretting that years when I left you ... Wow harry" 

"Please Hannah, listen" I tried to take her hand but she moved away.

"Leave," She said, and moved away from me.

Hannah's POV

I can't believe he cheated on me. How could he do that? He knows that I'm trying to save our relationship, and what he did, he just betrayed me, broke my heart.

I stormed out of the room, and started to walk out of arena, eleanor keeping calling me, but I ignored her.

All I wanted to do this time is be alone, what he did, was unbearable. I just wish that summer could never end, that summer when I met him.

I know he changed, if I haven't left him, he wouldn't be in love with any other girl. The love for me is finished now.

I broke down on my knees, crying my heart out. I couldn't hold it anymore. 

The rain started, pouring my whole body. The thunder started, but I just sit on floor crying.

My phone started to ring, as I took out it was eleanor. I want to ignore her, but I can't, so I answered.

"H-Hello?" I stuttered, I never stutter but it was cold and raining, so maybe that's why.

"Oh my god hannah, thank god, where are you? Are you ok?" She said, I can tell she is really worried for me.

"Yeah el, I'm ok. I just want to be alone." I said, even though I don't want to. I want someone to hug me, and comfort me.

"You're not ok, I'm coming to pick you up. Where are you?" She said,

"Ok," I said and told her the address.

I sit on the bench, my clothes were really wet, and now the rain also stopped, and my clothes were also getting dry.

A car honked, I saw el coming out of car, with louis. She hugged me, I cried on her shoulder and louis just placed his hand on my back rubbing it. He gave me apologetic smile.

"Come on let's go," She said as she leaded me through the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked her, I doubt she will drop me at harry's and I don't wanna go there.

"We're going to my flat, don't worry, I won't leave you at harry's ok, and you can get your stuff tomorrow and can stay with me if you don't mind," I nodded.


El opened the door of her flat, and I got inside, louis dropped us. She took me to a room.

"There are some clothes there, and towel. You can change, and I'll make some hot chocolate for you, ok" I nodded.

"El?" I called her.

"Thank you" I said,

"For what?"

"For letting me stay here," She smiled and hugged me before going in her kitchen. I dried myself and changed into some pj's and a hoodie.

El came with 2 cup of hot chocolates. We sit on couch, it was silence.

"El, do you even know why I run away?" I asked her.

"Yeah, harry told us, what he said to you." I nodded.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked, I nodded.

"I can't believe it, he hurted me. Why he would do that? He knows how much I love him, and yesterday I gave everything to him." I cried and shook my head.

"He doesn't deserves you hannah, you will meet the right guy" She said, I nodded.

"I don't know el, but I think I'm done with boys. I just wanna be alone for some time," I said, she gave me a reassuring smile.

"I know hannah, and I'm always here for you, and we can do some fun things too ok" I nodded smiling.

And thats our night was spend, talking, watching films and eating food.


Hey guys, so i think this is the longest chapter ever. So yeah, there is no ending guys, and yeah vote and comment :)


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