8: Interview 2.0

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Y/N's PoV

"Nice ass, who Henry or me?" Ben said with a cheeky grin.

"It's not batman v superman anymore, it's Ben v Henry."

"Avoiding the question?" Henry asked.

"Nope, just thinking. I think we need to open a poll on Twitter for people to vote." I said desperately looking for a way to end this subject. "Actually talking about Twitter, as you might know I came here on extremely short notice with no ready questions. So I asked the fans to ask you guys questions. Do you mind if I ask you guys some?" I said.

"Go for it." Ben said as I whipped out my phone.

"masky_ticci_hoodie asks Who will win Batman or Superman?" I said, they both chucked.

"Well you need to go see the movie." Ben said.

"All you guys trying to get information from them you sicken me." I joked then pretend to whisper to Ben and Henry but actually being loud enough for people to hear. "Guys will you tell me after this?"

"Yes." Ben fake whispered while shaking his head no, making the crowd of fans laugh.

"Great, now next question. This ones for Henry and asked by @Gre 11 Sutc1 iff asks How does it feel to finally put your underwear on, on the inside of the suit?" Everyone laughed again.

"Fabulous, I mean Ben was upset because he likes seeing me under wear, you know." Henry joked and Ben winked at him.

"I ship you guys." I said.

"You what?" Ben asked.

"I ship you, come on you can't be an actor and not know the language if the Internet." I said, with a hint of sarcasm.

"I'm sorry." He said in an over the top manner.

"Maybe you'll be able to answer this one asked again by @Gre 11 Sutc 1 iff What's your favourite part about being Batman?"

"Um probably the cool house or the suit, not wearing it, but looking good in it even though it's so uncomfortable."

"Did you ever just say can you CGI it in?" I asked.

"No but he did one day come in, in a black shirt and black jeans and said look I'm batman." Henry said.

"Wow, that sounds like could batman got shot and die." I said.

"Give me a break, I was tired it was early and the wanted me to get into the suit." Ben said.

"Oh no, you had to dress like Batman, half of these people are voluntarily in batman costumes." I said pointing at the crowd.

"True but try putting a Batman costume at nine in the morning, Batman's sexy at night but not when it's hot outside." Ben said.

"Agreed." I said, mindlessly again.

"Hands off he's mine." Henry joked.

"Said every fan ever. Okay next question. This ones from @toastu and for Henry. What are your thoughts with Mr. understanding and Husbandman?" I asked.

"Well I think Husbandman is everything Amy Adams wants from agut, sort of like a good terminator, you know one that instead of killing cleans."

"Yeah, yeah

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"Yeah, yeah." I agreed.

"And then why does Mr Understanding need to be bald?" Henry said.

"And then why does Mr Understanding need to be bald?" Henry said

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"So he can understand bald people." Ben said defensively.

"What about understanding people with long hair that get knotted." I said.

"He understands everyone." Ben said.

"See I don't think that I believe that he isn't the best superhero." Henry said.

"And even though I probably know, who's that then?" I said.

"Superman." Henry said.

"Here he goes again

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"Here he goes again." Ben joked.

"What he's a great hero, he's the best of us, he's been through all the trials and tribulations of slings and arrows of growth. Being hated, not being wanted of wanting to do everything for humanity, not being able to achieve it, being disappointed in himself, and still coming back fighting every time." Henry explained.

"I think he's got cool powers." I said.

"But Mr understanding." Ben said.

"Shh Ben, we might talk about him after you take drawing 101 lessons from a four year old child." I joked. "But before you leave o have a question for you from @toastu Did you really wear daredevil boxers while you were in your batman costume? And also about the Gigli thong when you are playing poker or blackjack?" I asked.

"Do my fans not trust what I say, everything I say if true. " Ben said over the top. "And about the boxers I'm wearing them right now as well." Ben said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Come over and check." Ben said, Henry and I stood up and stood over Ben who was still sitting, we leaned ones and said "wwwwooowwww." At the same time before standing up straight.

"Gang bang alert." I said walking back to my seat. "Okay we have time for one more question, and the lucky person is @AshReads-46 Ben, what do you have to say about the fans putting Batman and Wonder-woman as a couple?" I said.

"I don't really know, I mean most fans haven't seen the movie yet. Um I don't really think they are a couple." Ben said.

"Well I think they'd be so cute, I'd love to be in her place." Oops.

"Same." Henry saved me. "I mean Bruce Wayne, that's a great person to score, except for Clark Kent." Henry continued.

"And on that note we need to end because we've run out of time. Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice is in theatres now go watch it, it's great." I finished of and then we all waved goodbye to the crowd and went to the tent thing that had makeup artists and stuff like that in, where Ben and Henry waited before the interview.

A/N: Go check out the people who gave me questions, they are all watt pad users and that is their names, the hyperlink thing messed up a bit. Thanks for reading.

Question of the chapter:

What would you like seeing happen next?

Strangers Ben Affleck x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora