13: Home

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A/n: I don't know how many of you write/ have written x readers but I have a problem. I want to improve the narrative by adding details about likes and dislikes but I can't do that for everybody. So if I say something you don't agree with pleases don't be angry and leave a comment, it's for the story.
Y/N's PoV

The cab pulled up in front of the apartment building, we got out and told the cab driver not to go anywhere we'll be right back after we get Ben upstairs. My apartment was on the third floor so Henry and Matt helped Ben up the stairs, I opened the door and told them to be quiet, luckily they were we took Ben to my bedroom and lay him down on my bed. I left him there and we went back in to the hall way.

"Thanks for the great night guys." I whispered.

"You made it better than it usually is." Henry said.

"True, it was great meeting you." Matt said, we heard a door open and Emma walked out of the far end bedroom.

"Hi." She said walking past us and into the kitchen.

"Hi." We all said round the same time.

"Anyway are you sure you're gonna be okay dealing with him?" Matt asked.

"Yeah I'm sure." I said.

"Hey um maybe you should have my number in case you need any help with him or something." Henry said, Matt looked a bit annoyed at that and decided to contribute.

"Yeah and probably mine I've dealt with Ben's and/or Ben's dealt with my hangovers for years so for any advice give me a ring." Matt said (still being a wingman). We exchanged numbers, I gave the the cash for the taxi, they refused but finally took it and then left.

Ben was asleep on my bed, I put a blanket over him and took one pillow for myself and a blanket and left the room to go sleep on the couch. I wanted to sleep in my bed, I wouldn't mind sharing it, but I rather not have him runaway saying I forced him to sleep with me while he was intoxicated.

The next morning I woke up around ten, Emma was sitting on the chair next to me watching TV.

"Hey." I said.

"Morning sleepy head." She greeted me.

Me: "What time is it?"

Emma: "9:54. How was your little party last night?"

Me: "Good."

Emma: "Where was my invite?"

Me: "I bought the party home for you."

Emma: "True but that was only two people."

Me: "Three, and there was five at the party counting me and the bartender."

Emma: "I thought this was like a big party."

Me: "Nope."

Emma: "So why are you sleeping on the couch?"

Me: "Cause this guy got super drunk, was about to throw up in the taxi, and then ended up sleeping here."

Emma: "Cool, is he hot?" I nodded. "What's his name?"

Me: "Ben."

Emma: "Ben Affleck." She joked.

Me: "Yeah."

Emma: "You wish. Well done on the interview again."

Me: "Thank you again now I need to check on my guest,"
I went to my room and knocked on the door, no answer. I slowly opened the door and walked in, Ben was still asleep in the middle of my bed, I grabbed some clothes from my wardrobe and left the room. I went to get changed in the bathroom and when I was fixing my hair I heard Casey saying "Hey, haven't seen you in a while. Wait why are you here? Not to be rude just curious." I walked out the bathroom and saw Ben standing there talking to Casey.

"No idea." He said genuinely.

"What?" Casey said.

"Let me fill you guys in. Ben got drunk and nearly puked in the taxi so we needed to get him to a place where he can sleep that was close and the closest place was here." I said.

"Thanks I guess, do you have any aspirin?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, in the bathroom on the side there should be some." I said.

"Where's the bathroom?"

"The last door over there." Casey said pointing at the bathroom. Ben walked that direction and before I could stop him he walked in to the wrong room.

 Ben walked that direction and before I could stop him he walked in to the wrong room

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

This is your apartment. The bedroom closest to the entrance is Casey's and Jack's. The middle bedroom is yours. The last one next to the bathroom is Emma's. The rest is self explanatory.

A/N: For those of you who read my Batman/Bruce Wayne x reader you will know I've had some problems. I. Sad to say I was kicked out my house by my stepdad along with my mum however it's not definite. If I don't update for a long time it will probably be because I'm moving house and probably don't have Internet. Anyway he's selling all my stuff yay! *sarcasm* so yeah, no more computer. Luckily I paid for my iPad with my own money so he can't sell that.

Question of the chapter:

I haven't gone deep into Jack yet, so what would you like his personality to be like?
For example is he full of himself or maybe shy.

Strangers Ben Affleck x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora