14: Wingman

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N/N= nickname
Y/N's PoV

"Fuck off!" I heard Emma shout, she always hated when someone came into her room without knocking and this was one of those times.

"I-I apologise." Ben said closing the door.

"This door?" Ben asked pointing at the when he walked into the bathroom, Casey and I burst into laughter.

"Can't wait till Em finds out she swore at." I said.

"She'll go red. Should we tell her?"

"Nah, let's wait till she finds out her self." I said going over to sit on the couch. I was checking my phone and decided to check snapchat it turned out that quite a few photos were on my story. A lot with the bar tender or all three of us, all videos. Luckily I only had close friends who would see it, but anyway I decided to delete everything so it never goes in the news. In the headlines today: Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Henry Cavill get supper wasted! Ben came out the bathroom and came to sit next to me.

"How's your head?" I asked.

"Painful." Ben said in a childish tone.

"You shouldn't drink so much." I said mimicking his tone.

"But it was fun." Ben said.

"I agree, anyway want something to eat, drink?"

"Water please." Ben said.

"Okay, and something to eat?" I asked.

"Nah, I'd love some hot wings. But I'm guessing you don't have any." Ben said.

"Sadly no, but now I want wings." I said handing Ben a glass of water.

"Thanks." Ben said taking a sip of his water.

"Tweet about it, people will bring you wings." I joked.

"Great idea." Ben said.

"Dude, I was just joking." I said.

"I know, but now I'm curious what would happen."

"I don't know." I said, Ben took his phone out and started to write the tweet. My phone made a loud noise.

"What's that?" Ben asked.

"Oh Mr nosey I got a text from Henry." I said.

"What's it say?" Ben asked.

"If he wanted to tell you something he would text you. But if you're that curious it says: Hey great night last night. How's Ben doing?" I read.

"Ben is doing fine, but his head hurts." Ben said.

"I will write that." I said. Some time passed and Ben and I were watching TV when there was a loud knock on my door. I heard Jack shout "I'll get it." So I didn't move from the couch.

"Hello?" Jack said opening the door.

"Oh sorry wrong place." The guy at the door said.

"Wait you're fucking Matt Damon!" Jack nearly shouted.

"No I'm fucking my wife." Matt said in a joking tone.

"Why's Matt here?" Ben asked.

"I thought you'd know." I said.

"No actually you're fucking Ben Affleck." I heard Casey say.

"Yep. Don't quote me on that I'm just joking." Matt said.

"Don't worry I'm not from the news but my friend N/N is and I'm guessing you're looking for her or Ben." Casey said.

"You guessed correctly. Know where they are?" Matt said.

"Yeah, right through there on the couch." Casey said.

"Thanks." Matt said, we saw he walking up to us. "Special delivery, hot wings as ordered on Twitter." Matt greeted us giving us a box of hot wings.

"Matt I love you." Ben said.

"Thanks Matt. Now you're our wingman." I said, Ben and Matt shared a look.

"Best wingman ever." Ben said.

"These are so good where'd you get these?" I asked.

"Mine and Ben's favourite place." Matt said.

"You two have great tastebuds." I said.

"Hey maybe I'll take you there sometime, the make the best food. You know to repay the favour." Ben said.

"Awesome but what favour?" I asked.

"Letting me sleep here." Ben said.

"Oh that, that was nothing." I said.

"Well I'm gonna take you there anyway." Ben said.

"If it tastes anything like this I can't wait." I said.

Question of the chapter:
Are you mad at me for not updating?

Apology and explanation:
So I know I haven't uploaded in aages, and I apologise a lot. I just haven't been able to write for two main reasons and I know they aren't big but for me it is big so please don't comment first world problems or stuff like that I know my life is easy compared to others for example the evacuees in Canada or starving children in Africa. Anyway... I've been under a lot of stress because I had important exams and I had to study and do them so I had very little time. And at night before I go to sleep (normally when I write the most) my parents fight. All the time. And it stresses me out what they fight about and all this stress and anxiety was just tearing me apart so I couldn't concentrate on writing, every time I tried I felt anxious, stressed, depressed ect. Anyway I'm doing better now, exams are nearly all over so I'm going back to my normal update schedule. I will miss out a day before my next exam but I'll try to make up for it. Anyway missed you all my Eskimos. Have a good day.

Strangers Ben Affleck x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora