33: Plane

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Y/N's PoV
A few days past and it was the day of our flight. Throughout the week I talked to Ben through the phone but never saw him face to face because he always had...Work. I took a taxi to the airport where I was meant to go to hanger 4 however security didn't want to let me in.

"Please I didn't get given any pass." I pleaded the security guard.

"I'm sorry miss without the pass I can not let you in."

"Has Mr Affleck arrived yet?"

"I can't reveal such information."

"Well he's not answering his cell so I can't get him to tell you I'm invited so if he's there can you just get him tell him y/n is here and she needs him to come here."

"I cant do that."

"Hey Y/N." I heard a familiar voice say I turned around and saw Henry.

"Hi Henry." I responded.

"What's going on?" Henry asked.

"Oh this gentleman doesn't want to let me on and Ben doesn't want to pick up his phone."

"She's with me." Henry said.

"Open up the gate Andy." The guard shouted to his coworker.

"Thank-you." I said to Henry. We got to the hanger where the plane was and right outside enjoying a glass if champagne sat Ben.

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" I asked.

"My phone it didn't ring, oh wait it's inside the plane sorry."

"I spent ten minutes trying to get in." I said.

"Come on let's get in the plane." Ben said.

"Good idea." Henry agreed. Ben lead the way and Henry and I followed while Henry's hand lay on the small of my back.

When we walked in I saw the massive private jet that was cream inside. Ben sat down on a couch that was further from the table while Henry sat on the couch next to the table. I decided to sit on the single chair at the end. The pilot told us he's ready to go after he did all the safety checks so we told him he can start flying. We began lifting up into the air and the wheels left the run way and I clenched tighter to the swat with my hands.

"You okay y/n?" Ben asked with a worried expression.

"Yep just a bit tense I hate flying."

"Really?" Ben asked.

"Yes really on the plane with you I was distracted watching a movie."

"Come over here and I'll turn a movie on if you want." Ben said gesturing to the free space next to him. I nodded and quickly switched seats. Ben tool put his phone and started scrolling through his downloaded films.

"ooo that one." I said pointing at one of the movies. Ben clicked on the movie I pointed to and it began playing and he put the phone down on the table infront of us. Ben slowly put his arm around pulling me closer and I leaned and hugged his sho, I looked over at Henry at he looked hurt and lonely.

"Henry d' you want to come over here watch the movie with us?" I asked.

"Sure." He said with a slight smile. He came and sat on the seat next to me and I moved my legs away so he can sit and when he sat down I put my legs back on him making him laugh.

"It's not fair, I get your legs he gets your face." Henry said.

"Aw is someone jealous?" I asked.

"No." Henry answered.

"Do you know what's funny?" Ben said

"What?" Both Henry and I replied.

"You're in the middle again." Ben said.

"Oh my God not again." I said.

"anyone up for swapping?" I asked.

"Nope." They replied

"Fine then at least I have a better view of the movie." I said, we carried on watching until I fell asleep on Ben's lap. I woke up and saw Ben and Henry at the table drinking beer looking at the TV that was above the two seats opposite them.

"Hello sleepy." Ben greeted me as I sat down opposite them.

"Says you who is willing to sleep on a random stranger in the plane." I replied.

"Cute stranger." Henry said and both Ben and I looked at his.

"Aw thanks." I said. "Can I have one?" I said pointing to the beer.

"Help yourself they're in the bar." Ben said.

"Thank." I stood up and was about to lean over and peck his lips before realising Henry doesn't know and we aren't meant to tell anyone. So instead I smiled and went to the bar and grabbed a beer before sitting down with the guys.

Some time later after the guys switched to shots however I declined to join because I didn't want to be smashed infront of my grieving family. The two men were slurring words and you could smell the alcohol from a mile away.

"Y/N if you had to, to choose...who would you pick him or me?" Henry slurred and caught me off guard.

"Pick for what?"

"Sex!" Henry said, while Ben just smirked to himself because we already had it so he was sure the answer was him.

"Umm I'd probably choose you Henry cause I've watched gone girl so I know him but you're a mystery." I joked more than being serious. Henry had a wide smile on his face while Ben looked hurt and upset with me.

"Aw sorry Ben I hurt you." I said walking over to him and deciding that it was the perfect moment to tease him. I sat on his lap with my legs spread apart so I was straddling him I then moved over his crotch with my whole body as Henry watched his eyes burning into me. I then planted a kiss on his cheek and whispered into his ear so that Henry doesn't hear "Still waiting for round two." I could feel Ben was becoming hard under me so I stopped teasing him and returned to my seat.

"Wow that made me wish you choose him so I could get that to comfort me." Henry slurred. And in response I blew a kiss at Henry from where I was sitting.

"Y/N a word please." Ben said sounding sober.

"Sure." I agreed and followed Ben to another part of the plane.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"What's wrong you're all over Henry." He slurred.

"No I'm not I think you're forgetting that you're the one who I straddled."

"No I mean in general you're all over Henry."

"Is this cause I chose him, J chose him cause I know what's it like with you."

"No iys just...Just...Just."

"If you want we can tell him about us." I whispered.

"No, no I just-"

"Does it make it better knowing that I'm messing around with Henry and I don't mean anything."


"Good now legs get back."

The rest of the flight was pretty normal we slept, talked and joked together while still drinking. I could see that Henry and Ben were still trying to figure out who's best so I played along and flirted with both of them while they flirted with me.

A/N: I love this,  I love writing this.

Question of the chapter:

Am I the only one who forgets to press publish? i .e. Last night i forgot to press publish for this.  Grrrh

Strangers Ben Affleck x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora