23: Party! at the house

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^ That moment you think your title is clever but it's really not.

If you don't remember what the apartment looks like there you go

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If you don't remember what the apartment looks like there you go.The bedroom closest to the entrance is Casey's and Jack's. The middle bedroom is yours. The last one next to the bathroom is Emma's
Ben's PoV

A week passed and it was finally the day of the party, however also a week  before my flight to London. I decided to wear a shirt, no a hoodie, no a nice t-shirt to the party.

Matt picked me up in hos car and drove us both there. When we walked in there was lots of college students and no one older than that. There was so many people that every inch of the apartment was crammed and the door was wide open so anyone could walk in. Matt and I walked in and felt completely out of place. We spent an hour standing next to the pillar that was in the middle of the apartment. All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Casey.

"Hey." I greeted him although his expersion wasn't too happy.

"Hey can you follow me?" I mostly read his lips because I couldn't really hear him.

"Sure." I said and I followed him and Matt tagged along. We walked into Casey's bedroom where it was quieter.

"So what's going on?" I asked.

"It's Y/N. She walked off about a hour ago to speak to someone on the pound since then she sat out there on the floor in tears listening to My Chemical Romance." Casey said.

"Oh." I replied.

"Could you go to talk to her?" Casey asked.

"Because you two get along. And a bit more weird reason whenever she was sad shed comfort eat watching Jersey girl."

"Well then Ben you are the only happiness left." Matt said.

"Do you ship them?" Casey asked.

"Yes!" Matt replied.

"Same high five." Casey said before they high five. I walked out on to the patio and sat down next to Y/N.

"When I was a young boy my father." I sang along. "This used to be one of my favourite songs." I said making Y/N smile.

"It still is for me, I didn't see you come in." Y/N said whule she wiped her tears away.

"What's wrong?" I asked.


"Who called you?"

"My dad."

"What happened?"

"Already told you, nothing."

"It doesn't seem like that."

"I'm okay,  it's all okay." She said hugging me.

"I'm nooot oookay." I sang making us both laugh.

Question of the chapter:

What happened?

I want you guys to give me suggestions on what happened, it has to be something big.

Second question cause I can:

Are you a MCR fan?

Strangers Ben Affleck x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora