26: Morning

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Y/N's PoV
I woke up and saw a collar bone, than I realised this wasn't any other collar bone it was Ben's collar bone. I felt so comfortable with my face in his chest but also felt so awkward,  this was my friend not my boyfriend. I tried to move my face away before realising that I was trapped under Ben's arm not that I was complaining. I decided instead of leaving this comfortable position and waking Ben up to breathe in the smell of his cologne and go back to sleep.

A/N: am i the only one who wonders how celebritys smell?

I woke up to the sound of my alarm that told me I have work today. I was alone in bed making me think if I was only imagining waking up next to Ben however the rolled up covers on his side proved that infact he did sleep in the bed with me. I walked out of his bedroom and saw Ben in the kitchen wearing only boxers making me feel uncomfortable and aroused.

Ben's PoV

I turned around to see y/n she was standing between the kitchen and the living room. She was starring at me for a second and I began to wonder why than I realised I was just in my boxers, but how was that different to her sleeping in a big t-shirt and lace underwear. I mean try not being attracted to that with her perfect body. And try making sure you don't get a boner in bed with her during the night.

"Hey beautiful." I greeted her.

"Morning." She replied.

"I made you breakfast, how you feeling?"  I asked while putting waffles on the breakfast bar.

Y/N's PoV
I sat down at the breakfast bar and stared at the mouth watering waffles. "Thank-you." I said. "And I'm feeling..." How was I feeling?  That's a good question. On one hand I feel very attracted to the man whose currently starring at me with his chocolate eyes. I've seen your dick just like every other fan, okay that's off topic. On the other hand I feel grief and confusion why my mom would do that to her self. Although that feeling got smaller and more insignificant the longer I was with Ben. "Better. You really helped me a lot, Thank-you for being there when I needed someone close."

"It's okay I'll always be there. I l- want to help you."

"And you really have. These waffles are great by the way."

"Thanks I tried I'm not the best cook."

"Better than my roommates well except for Jack but he works in a restaurant so that doesn't count."

"Yay I'm good at something."

"Yay." I said carrying on eating my waffles.

A/N: I wanted to write more but I'm v tired. Today I took part in a dance show, walked 10K because Pokemon go, and tomorrow I have sports day. Also I had to buy a certain style of a bra for the show and I swear the guy at the till was a pedo.

Question of the chapter :
Have you ever just said someone is a pervert based on looks alone?

Strangers Ben Affleck x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora