38: Wednesday: The funeral

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A/N: In my life I've been to two funerals I am using the later as a template for this.  It was quite odd funeral due to the fact it was a first for most of the family so please don't disrespect this by saying "That's not how funerals should go." Because this is based on a real funeral I just changed the people involved.  Thank-you.


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Y/N'S PoV-------------

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Ben, Henry and I took the same taxi to the pub were everyone was meeting.  I wore a pretty black dress with the full black edition Dr marten and a beanie, while the two Hollywood men wore Black suits,  Ben even had a black shirt. My dad booked the whole upper floor of the pub for us to use and have privacy. The pub was literally across the road from the church.  Ben, Henry and I walked into the pub the only people already there were James, Lauren and my cousin Mitch and his partner.  I said hello to Mitch and his girlfriend and then introduced Ben and Henry.  After we walked over to James and Lauren who were at the bar. "Hey." I said.

"Hi."  James said.

"Your fave cousin is here." I whispered, we both hated Mitch.

"I know right yay." James sarcastically whispered back.

For the next half an hour I said hello to lots of family members who I barely ever saw and I introduced Ben and Henry to people.  Luckily most the guests were old apart from my cousins and siblings so they didn't recognise my Hollywood buddies. When everyone arrived James,Becky, my dad and I all had to walk to where the car with the coffin was and we sat in the car as it drove up to the church and a guy on the bagpipes played going home, once we got out we had to carry the coffin into church but the problem was that the four of us could carry the oak coffin really well. Luckily without anyone saying anything Ben and Henry came to help carry the coffin with us as we walked down the path to the church passing other's graves.

Strangers Ben Affleck x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora