34: Hotel

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Y/N's PoV ~~~~~~~~We landed around 11pm

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Y/N's PoV
We landed around 11pm. We were on a airport that was around a twenty minute drive away from my house.

"Thanks for the ride guys now it's time for me to get going."

"You aren't going to the hotel with us?" Henry asked.

"No I live here." 

"What about just one night." Henry asked.

"But my family and.."

"Please." Ben said with puppy dog eyes made of chocolate. We got into a taxi and began heading for the hotel.

"I don't really know anything about your family." Ben said.

"What do you want to know?"

"You've got siblings?"

"Yep two one older brother and one older sister." 

"Cool how old are they?"

"My brother James is 33-" I said.

"Same." Henry butted in.

"Yep and my sister Becky is 27."

"Awesome." Ben said, I saw a slightly worried expression on his face which made me wonder does he even know my age. I knew that he wouldn't ask but definitely wouldn't calm down until he knew if I am over age. The conversation died down and we all sat in silence looking at the road.  We got to a posh hotel in the center of London and we went to the room that Ben and Henry already reserved. It was a twin room with only two beds. We walking into the room and I was the one infront because Ben was the one carrying my bags.

"Dibs." Ben said jumping on the further bed. And Henry threw himself on the free bed. "Dibs." Then I sat down on the floor and said "Dibs." Making the two men laugh. Ben's worried facial expression still didn't disappear.

"You know these beds will fit two people." Henry said.

"Average sized people yes but you guys."  I joked making them laugh. "Ben may I?" I said sitting down on his bed, by this point I could clearly see he's thinking about his career and the effect if I was under age.

"Yeah, um, s- sure." Ben stuttered this was the first time I ever saw him in such a state.

"Ben if you don't think you can handle sharing a bed than I'm happy to take Y/N in." Henry said.

"No, no, no, no I want to I just tired and not thinking straight." Ben explained.

"Okay,  I'm gonna go brush my teeth and sleep." Henry said standing up and walking out. I walked over to my bag and took out my CK jumper that I decided to sleep in. As I changed I kept glancing at Ben who was staring at the floor,  I got in to bed and hugged Ben, he was motion less and tense. I leaned up to his ear and whispered "26." He looked puzzled and then he got it and his whole body relaxed.

"Oh thank God." He said. "By the way You look so hot in that." He continued.

"Thanks." I did kissing him and then we started to make out

"I've been aching to do that all day." Ben said as he pulled away.

"Me too."

"At least you had your fun on the plane." Ben said.

"I had to." I said smirking.

Question of the chapter :

Do you feel really fast and awesome and in general happy when you run down a hotel corridor at full speed? I sure do.

Strangers Ben Affleck x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora