16: Hi

530 17 6

I'm running out of title ideas.
Y/N's PoV

"That was Ben Affleck wasn't it?" Emma said.

"Yes it was, finally you believe me." I said.

"Can't believe he has the same phone as you, look he's got a text." Emma said.

"I know it's weird and I saw before, don't read it." I said.

"Too late. It's from Matt: It's your fault for getting drunk I did my part and got you two to go home together I'm the best wingman ever admit it." Emma read making my jaw drop. "Someone's got a crush on you."

"Nah that won't be about me, I barley know him it will be about someone else." I said.

"Why don't we ask him?" Emma teased.

"No! I've made friends with my favourite person ever and you can ruin it." I said.

"I was only joking no need to be so defensive." Emma said.


I heard a knock at the door and it was Ben, I handed home the phone and he thanked me. He asked me if I was free next Saturday and I said I was, he told me he'll keep in touch with me.

Emma walked into the room releasing she missed the chance to meet Ben again, she looked quite down because of it. I spent the rest of the day doing nothing. Everyone left the house Emma went to work, Casey and Jack went out into town. I decided to play some guitar, I had a beautiful electric guitar that now I barely ever played I picked it up and felt the passed times flood back, I started playing some of my favourite songs.

Ben's PoV

I was walking down the street going to buy some aspirins because I didn't have any at home and my head still killed, I was close to the pharmacy when I saw Casey Y/N's friend.

"Hi." I said walking up to him and Jack I think.

"Hey." Casey and Jack said with a hint is surprise.

"So what you doing out here with the commoners?" Casey asked making me smirk.

"I'm going to buy some aspirins." I said.

"I thought celebrities had people to do that for them." Jack said.

"I wish. So where are you two off to?" I asked.

"We are exploring New York." Casey said.

"Sounds like fun." I said.

"Yeah if we didn't have to walk everywhere." Jack said with a obvious point directed at Casey that hinted that Casey said no to a taxi or something.

"Anyway I hope you guys have fun, I need to go." I said.

"Bye." Casey said.

"Bye nice seeing you." Jack said as I walked away.

A/N: no update tomorrow I have a exam and have to revise but I'll try to write more on Wednesday.

Question of the chapter
How badly do you want the reader to finally get together with Ben.

My answer:

Extremely but the journey is part of it.

Strangers Ben Affleck x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora