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"Did you walk here or came by car?" I asked.

Walking out of the library, I shielded my eyes from the sun before turning to look at Alex.

"I walked," she said with a bored tone.

"Okay then, we can take my car. Where do you want to go?" I said as I walked over to my car.

Following right behind me, she responded.

"Hmmm, let's go to the central park."

Nodding my head, I unlocked my car door. Climbing in, I waited until Alex did so before turning on the engine.

"So, where is the central park at?" I said as I started my car up.

Looking at Alex out of the corner of my eye, I waited until Alex responded.

"Near town," She responded after a while.

"Geez, thank you, Miss. Obviously." I mumbled.

Chuckling, she spoke up.

"You do know I have ears, right? I can still hear your smart ass comments."

"Oh, yeah, cause your comments are any better."

"Didn't know you were a sassy mouth princess," Alex said. I didn't have to look at Alex to know she had a smirk on her face.

"That's 'cause I'm not, I'm just this way with you. Now would you be so kind as to tell me where the park is because I have no idea where I'm heading. Also, gas is expensive, so I would prefer not to use it all up."

Rolling her eyes, Alex just stayed quiet.

Getting frustrated, I decided just to ask someone else for directions. Looking around, I noticed a couple who were giggling and holding hands, so I pulled over close to them to ask.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt but can you tell me where the central park is?"

"Of course, just go down this road and continue as if you were leaving town, but before the big billboard, take a right near the woods." The man said as he pointed down the road.

After thanking the couple, I got back on the road and went where he instructed me to go. Alex was still giving me the silent treatment which, as far as I knew, was uncalled for. Finding the silence a bit to my unliking, I decided to turn on the radio.

"Hey, do you mean if I turn on the radio to listen to some music?" I asked Alex. Still looking outside the window, she shrugged. Sighing, I dropped the whole idea of putting music on and drove the last few miles to the park.

Once I arrive at the park, I looked around and noticed it was almost empty. There were two cars in the parking load, but as far as I could tell, there was no one in the park. Parking my car, I turned it off and put the key in my pocket. Opening the car door, I heard Alex doing the same. When I was entirely out of the car, I realized how cold it was. Seeing my breath in the air, I licked my lips and closed my mouth. I looked around to take in my surrounding. The ground that I was standing on was made up of small grey pebbles. There was also a nice sidewalk and grass everywhere. Sat near the front of the park was a beautiful playground for small children with some bench towards the side. There was also a snack bar which seemed to be close. There was also a huge fountain that sat in the center of the park. From afar, it seemed to be made out of marble with clear water coming out of the sculpture. Also, at the very far end of the park were tall green trees that moved with the wind. Overall, the park was a beautiful sight to see.

"Wow," I said to myself.

Looking around, I noticed Alex was nowhere near me but rather walking ahead of me.

"Alex!" I exclaimed.

Rolling my eyes as Alex kept on walking, I ended up having to pick up my pace to be able to catch up with her. Alex seemed to have no intention of waiting, so it was up to me to keep up. Thankfully, she went to sit on a bench, and I was able to join her again finally. Looking around the park one more time, I turned my head to look at Alex.

"Why did you chose to come here?" I asked after a while.

Turning to look at me, Alex had a frown on her face.

"Do you always have to ask a question?" she asked. Tightly my jaw together, I tried to calm myself down.

"Fine, forget it."

Still frowning at me, she proceeded to open and close her mouth repeatedly. Groaning, Alex ran her fingers through her hair before clearing her throat.

"Wanna play a question?"

I turned my head to the side and raised one of my eyebrows at Alex.

"What game?" I asked.

"20 questions," she said.

"But, didn't you just say,"

"I know what I said, now I'm asking you if you wanna play 20 questions," She responded as she interrupted me.

"Okay okay fine, but I get to start," I said as I rolled my eyes.

Thinking about an easy question, I decided to keep it light.

"Where do you get your eyes from?" I asked.

Shrugging, she responds, "My mother has blue eyes, and my father has brownish-red eyes. So, I guess no one. My turn, who do you get your eyes from?"

"My mom, my dad told me her eyes were blue," I said, thinking about the question. My father had green eyes, but I didn't tell Alex that.

"What do you mean were?"

"What?" I asked.

"You said your mother's eyes were blue."

"Oh... my mother passed away a few after I was born. I don't know what colors her eyes were from my imagination, and I haven't seen a picture of it. I just had my dad's word to base it off," I said to Alex.

"Oh, sorry I didn't know," She said.

"It's alright, how would you. I don't mind talking about her, but I can't give you too many details about her. Just stories my father has told me," I said with a sad smile.

Opening her mouth, Alex was about to respond when we heard bells ringing from a distance. Instinctively I turned my head to found the source of the noise.

Seeing an ice cream truck pulling up, I couldn't help but smile widely.

Chuckling a little, Alex spoke up, "What's your favorite ice cream?" she said.

"Rockie road," I responded.

Hearing her laugh, I watched as Alex stood up.

"Come on. I'll buy you some ice cream princess."

Smiling at Alex, I stood up from the bench and followed her.

"What's the catch?"

Walking away, Alex responded.

"No catch just ice cream, now hurry up, you don't want it to leave."

Chuckling a little, I jogged over to Alex.

As I caught up to Alex, I was about to stay up a new conversation when all of a sudden, I felt like someone was staring at me. Turning around, I tried to see if there was anyone else in the park but couldn't find anyone.

That alone caused me to move closer to Alex, who, for the most part, continue to practice I wasn't there.

Biting my bottom lip, I decided to shake the feeling and just focus on Alex. For now, I just wanted to keep the peace.

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