Open ears

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Skylar's Pov:

I felt my legs pushing down against the floor fast and hard, as I started to pick up speed.

I had some many thoughts running through my head, I just wanted to get away from my problems, even if it was just for a bit.

When the front doors of the school came into my view, I ran straight to them.

I pushed the doors open and just when I thought I was going to keep on running, I tripped.

"Ugh!" I exclaimed out loud.

I automatically brought my knees to my stomach as I curled up into a ball.

My cheeks were suddenly wet, and as if a faucet was suddenly turned on, I felt my own tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there, are you okay?"

Slowly looking up, I saw a boy hovering over me. The sunlight was hitting him in a way that I couldn't see his face.

"Shit, of course you're not okay, you just fell down several stairs and you're tearing up. Shit!"

His voice was familiar, yet, I didn't know from where.

He had shaggy blonde hair and was built, so I took a wild guess and said a name.


The boy stayed quiet and straighten up as he looked down at me. He tilted his head to one side before opening his mouth to speak.


I let out a shaking breath and nodded my head.

"Shit... here let me help you."

Before I could protested he had picked me up, bride style.

He walked over to the grass before bending down and placing me on the ground.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"No problem." He said with a small smile.

It grew quiet and we sat there in a awkward silence.

"Are you okay?" Austin asked in a low voice.

"Physically I'll get better eventually, mentally I don't think so."

Austin nodded as if agreeing with me.

"Yea, I know... things are taking a turn for the worst." He said letting out a sigh.

Looking at Austin in a questioning matter, I realized something.

He shaggy blonde hair looked unkept, and his muscles were still built, but, it looked as if he was on some kind of steroids. Even the way he talked wasn't the same. His once confident voice, has taken a gloomy tone.

"Are you okay?" I found myself asking.

He shook his head slowly and put on a sad smile.

Even thought, we weren't friends, I felt bad for him. He seemed different from the obnoxious Austin I knew.

"Where were you going in such a rush, if I may know?"

Licking my lips, I ran my fingers through my bangs.

"Don't really know, I was just running, trying to get away from things."

Austin nodded and stood up.

"While I mean, I'm don't have any classes for today, do you wanna go somewhere?"

I looked up at him, and as if he was reading my mind he quickly changed his words.

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