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I stared at Alex for what feel like forever before I started to laugh.

"Alex I understand that I can't tell anyone about you, you don't have to make up lies." I said walking to my room.

"Why do you think your mother kept breathing when her heart stop beating?"

I stop walking and turned around slowly.

"What did you say?" I asked in a whisper tone.

"Skylar you heard me don't make me repeat myself."

Feeling my eye start to burn I walked back to Alex, I was soon right in front of her.

"What the fuck Alex, what was the point in bringing her in this coversation?!"

"Skylar calm down." she said looking me straight in my eyes.

I started to push her and hit her.

Alex however didn't do anything and let me get my anger out.

I slowly started to compose myself before taking a deep breath and wrapping away the tears that went down my cheek.

"Prove it."

"What?" Alex said looking confuse.

"Prove to me I'm an angel."

Biting her lips she let out a sign.

"Alright." And with that Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom in my room.

Once we got to the bathroom she made me face the mirror.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"What do you see?" She asked.

I stared at her and then at my reflection.

"I see you and me, how does this prove anything?"

Alex chuckled before grabbing my hand.

"I guess I'll have to show you instead."

She closed her eyes before opening them and grip my hand a little bit harder sending a electric shock through my body.

I gasped and then opened my eyes to find myself looking at my body, but this time I was looking at it through Alex's eyes.

I looked at the mirror and I find that the world looked different through Alex's eyes. Everything was brighter no matter how dark something appeared to be.

I then look at my body, causing mr to gasped a little.

My eyes were a whitish blue and my skin was full of life. My once blonde hair now had light blue highlights. Looking at myself I looked rather different but what caught my eye was the halo above my head.  I turned and look at Alex's body but didn't find a halo above her head.

Just as I was looking closer to Alex's body I was back into my body and the world was back to normal.

"What the heck did you just do? Was I in your body?" I asked watching Alex.

Alex all of the sudden looked tired and lean back to sit on the toilet lid.

Shaking her head she slowly lift her head.

"I showed you what I see through my eyes along with all the other 6 sins."

I stood quiet biting my lips before I spoken up.

"What happen to your halo, don't you have one?"

Chuckling she slowly lifted her body and stood tall.

"I'm not that type of angel."

"Well what type are you?"

"Its best if you don't know now."

I frowned a little before asking another question.

"Well what the hell am I?"

"You my princess are a rare angel but its not my place to tell you who you are."

"If not you then who?"

Alex paused and looked uneasy.


Alex frowned opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water.

"I'm not allow to talk about it, just drop it."

"And if I don't." I said crossing my arm.

Alex smirk before walking closer to me making me back away until I hit the bathroom door with my back.

"Then I'll make you." She said as her lips found mine.

I was shocked but soon found myself kissing back. As I kissed Alex I felt her put her hands on the door while scratching it. the noise bothered my ears but I was capture by her lips that I didn't really noticed it. As she kissed me I felt my legs turn into jell as I slipped down the door slowly. My head started to pounded as Alex gently helped me sat down.

we stopped kissing and as I leaned my forehead against her I started to black out.

"What are you doing to me?" I mumble as I was blacking out.

"I'm sorry, but its for your own good." was the last thing I heard as I fainted onto Alex.

The Seven Deadly Sins (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now