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Alex's POV:

"What do you mean you don't know where my daughter is!"

"I mean what I said, I don't know where Skylar is."

"Oh that's just perfect. Neither the princess or the King of the Heaven knows where my child is and to top it off, she's with a demon!"

I stared at Mr. James Charms, watching as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I should have known." He whispered to himself.

"What?" I asked.

"I should have known!" He yelled this time.

"Known what?" I asked trying to keep calm, however, feeding of off James's anger didn't help my case.

James stared at me as he tried to compose himself. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it.

"Follow me." James simply said.

James turned around and walked up the stairs of his house causing me to follow him.

On the wall next to the staircase there were pictures of Skylar and James. In the pictures they looked so happy and there was no denying how much love there was as a family.

Once we were at the hallway of the second floor, we proceeded to passed several doors and took a left until we came across the door parallel to that of Skylar's.

I assumed it was James's room.

Slowly turning the door knob, James took one more deep breath and opened the door.

Both James and I walked inside, James going in first though.

"Why are we here?"

"It's where I keep the letter Demetrius wrote to me along with other stuff that belonged to her."

Nodding my head, I watched as James walked over to a picture and removed it from the wall.

I didn't have to look to know there was a safe hidden behind the picture.

I waited until James put in the code and search for what ever it was that he wished to show me.

"Take a look." James said once he turned back to me.

Looking at his hand, I saw a paper that glistened with gold dust.

Mystical paper.

I slowly took it and carefully inspected it.

"You don't understand it?" I asked.

With a sad expression James shook his head.

"Demetrius told me that she wrote it in her language because it was against the Heaven's law to tell a mortal the future of a person and that person being Skylar. I was suppose to give it to Skylar on her 18th birthday which is on December 5th."

"December 5th?" I asked.

"Yes why?"

"Because December 5th is this Friday!" I said, desperation sinking into my voice.

I found myself sitting on the floor holding my head.

"What's the matter?" James asked as he walked over to me.

"Demetrius should have told you." I mumbled while I shoved the letter into my pocket for the mean time.

"Told me what?" James asked, fear in his tone of voice.

Tilting my head up, I looked James straight in his eyes.

"When an angel child who is also human turns 18 they get their halo and wings, however, they can't be disturbed. Skylar doesn't know this, so, she might fight it and cause the awakening not to happen."

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