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Skylar pov*

After the talk I had with my father I didn't know where I stood with anything anymore. I didn't know what to feel or say so I did the next best thing, I went out to find a peaceful place to just clear my mind.

I dropped my father off at our house and told him I need time to think things over.

"Please be careful and make sure you have your eyes on the road." My father said to me before he got out of the car.

I nodded and put the car back on drive.

I started to drive in no particular direction. Thinking back I remember seeing a forest that a path made of dirty when my father was driving to his old house. I decided I would just go there and see where the path took me. I drove the 15 minutes there and decided I would walk the path made of dirty since it wasn't wide enough for my car to fit.

I parked my car and made sure to lock it before I went on my walk. I also made sure to grab my phone along with my headphone just in case. Soon after I started my walk.

Walking into the forest I noticed faded wheel tracks that seem to belong to car but I wasn't sure. I decided to ignored it since they were faded. The farther I walk the less light shined my way due to the trees and their leaves, however I did start to see a some what clearing up ahead. As soon as I was close enough I noticed it was a cliff. There was a wide opening and down below were the ocean. Stepping closer to look around a hand suddenly grabbed me.

Screaming I pulled back my arm and with all my force tried to hit the person who grabbed me with my phone but their hand went straight ahead to grab that my hand to stop the impact. With my other hand however, I went to punch them but again they grabbed my wrist, both hands captured.

"LET GO!!!" I said starting to kick them.

"Skylar stop!"

I frozen at the spot and opened my eyes.

"What is she doing here?" I thought to myself.

"I should be asking you that question?"

"Opp guess I said that out loud." I thought.

"hmmm no, don't think you did."

"What the?!" I thought making sure my mouth was close.

However the wonderful Alex, the person in front of me, seem to find my confused face funny.

"And why are you laughing?" I ask out loud.

"Because you actually thought you said all that out loud."

"So I didn't?"

Letting go of my both my wrists she took a step back.

"No I read your mind."  She said shrugging.

"Wow, wow and wow I didn't give you permission to read my mind!!"

"Oh but you did princess, when two mates became closer they learn how to feel each others feeling, read each other thoughts, and more." She said with a smirk.

"But our relationship isn't want I would call close if there is any relationship at all."

Putting her hands in her pocket she nodded with me.

"Yes but I can read anyone mind it a power I inherited. However you are the only one who can block me from reading your thoughts since you are my mate, you just don't know how to yet."

Rolling my eyes I continued the conversation.

"Ok but how did you know I was going to be here, you stalked me?"

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