One less problem

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Alex pov*

I was anxiety standing in front of the gates of heaven, waiting for Lucas, and the other deadly sins. I could hardly stand still and my mind was running wild with thousands of thoughts, like last nite.

Yesterday's nite, I was laying in bed drifting in and out of sleep when a sharp pain hit me in the back, and while I screamed out in agony, I so found my parents by my side.

"What wrong, child." My father asked slowly.

"My back, its, its hurting and I don't know why!" I said in between sobs.

"Maiden! Fetch me a scissor!" I heard my mother's delicate voice say.

"No time for that." My father said as he placed his hands on my back.

As soon as he placed his hands on my back I heard the sound of fabric ripping, and with the open space in my back I felt my wings automatically spread open.

I heard a gasp, perhaps from my mom and I quickly turned my head to look at my back. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, my voice cracking.

In a stead voice my father answered my question, "Your wings are growing in size, Alexandra."

The room was spinning but I still knew what that mean.

Standing up and going next to my mother, he looked at me with stead eyes.

"If you don't find Skylar soon, you know what will happen." He simply said.

My back still ached and if as my mother could sense my pain she slowly walked over to me.

"Get some rest Alexandra," my mother said and with a wave of her hand over my eyes, I fell in deep slumber.  

Lost in thoughts of last nite I wasn't aware that the other guys have arrived, only to learned it by the sound of wings moving.

Looking up I caught the eye of Lucas.

"I have a surprise." I said with a smirk.

Turning around, I slowly took my jacket off.

Taking a deep breath in, I released my wings from my back, and as if I was watching it from the eyes of one my friends, I come feel all pairs of eyes looking at my now 20 feet long wings.

My wings have grew 8 feet.

Turning around I saw shock in my friends faces.

"Cheese and crackers, your wings are huge!" I heard David said.

"I know, but that's beside the point, if my wings grew, I'm 90 percent sure that Skylar is starting to grow her wings."

"You are aware that today is the 4th right?" Amber comment.

"No duh Sherlock." I said, making a face at her.

"Do you know where Sky is?" Ruby said in a low voice.

"Yes I do." I said.

"Than let's go find her." Gabe said, flapping his wings.

"Right." I said.

Making sure I didn't waste another second I instantly did a running start, and flapped my wings.

With more wingspan I found myself having more power in speed yet it was difficult navigating with them.

It wasn't a minute later though, that I heard the sound of wings flapping behind me.


Skylar Pov*

"Nurse, she's burning up!" I heard Natalie say.

I haven't had a nice, long sleep in a long while due to the fact I was like a ticking time bomb, waiting to blow up.

"Natalie, stop." I said in a weak voice.

"I'm trying to help." I heard Natalie said back.

"Then get me out of here Natalie, you know I'm going to die if I stay here, please!"

Looking at me directly in the eyes, Natalie opened her mouth to speak.

"Nurse, watch over her." Natalie said and soon got up from the chair she was sitting on.

"Natalie please!"

"Skylar stop, your wasting your breath." Natalie said, before leaving the room.

"Oh god." I said in between my miserable sobs.


Natalie Pov*

I couldn't stand hearing Skylar plead for help so I did what any coward would do and left.

I didn't have my mind screwed on right, so I ended up bumping into someone.

"Well hello to you, too." I heard a male said, as they chuckled.

Looking up, I saw it was Austin.

"Leave me alone." I said in a low voice.

"Ok, but before I do, I got a question."

Rolling my eyes I motion for Austin to continue.

"Are you going to be present to see your father kill Skylar, cause I know I wanna see that go down."

"You idiot!" I said as I turned on him.

"You won't be present to see anything." I said through clench teeth trying to control my anger.

"Hun, you're as guilt as anyone here, you help getting Skylar here regardless you know it or not, so why not see the ending of it?"

"You little.."

I couldn't finish my sentence because, before I could realize it, I had Austin by the throat.

I felt him squealing under my grip but he was at my mercy.

I had the power of more than 10 bulls combine due to the fact I feed on creatures like him, gaining strength from them.

I heard him speak words but I was to busy thinking about how easy it would be to just snap his neck.

So, I did.

His energy slowly left his body and entered into mine.

Before I knew it, I had a motionless body in my hands.

My eyes opened up widely as I let his body fall to the floor.

I backed up, but before I could even get 1 foot away from Austin's body, I bumped into something.

"Mmm, now there's one less problem I have to worry about." I heard a voice said before me.

It belong to my father.

"I, I didn't mean to." I said, trying to explain my action, as I turned to face my father.

Touching my cheek softly with his fingers he simple smiled.

"Love, this isn't the first creature you've kill, I thought you would be used to it by now."

"I am, I'm just..." I said, not being able to form a sentence.

"He wasn't a friend, so you shouldn't feel sorry. This creature is just that, a creature, who should have been killed a long time ago."

I didn't know how to respond to that so I just lowered my head.

My father planted a kiss on the top of my head and called out an order.

"Burn the body."

I don't know why but I found myself crying a bit, even though he wasn't a friend, I liked talking to him, despite his annoying comments.

I just killed someone I somewhat cared for... maybe I wouldn't mind seeing my father kill Skylar, I mean she isn't a friend.... she's just a creature.

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