Just another Angel

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I sat in my car and just stared at that one line, I didn't understand what it meant by die angels. I decide I had enough with this book so I put it under my driver seat for save keeping. I looked at the other books that sat in the passenger seat. I counted how many I grabbed and found out, I had just 5 not counting the one under my seat. I didn't know which one to read next because three of them turned out to be journal written by a Mr. McCartney. I wanted to read the book titled  "Seven Angel Blessings" but  decide against it because it seem to be similar to the other one I just read so I put it under my seat as well. I decided to read one of his journal which had a number 1  on the cover. Flipping the papers I stumbled above a journal entry that caught my eye.

"Every day is a new beginning and for that I'm grateful. My wounds heal and those moments of fear are just memories. I lived for thousands of years but I knew once I've accept the crown, my life was just beginning. I don't know whether I'll make a great King because my father had set a bar so high that it will be impossible to beat. He is man of many achievements and has a wonderful wife to supposed him, but what about me? I have yet to find that one person who can make my heart jump out of my chest even if it didn't beat and without a wife who would continue the leagues of my family? I always wanted children to show the ropes too, not to play with fire and keep away from evil. I'll have to tell them how special they are and how they're different from other kids not because they're angels but because they have powers. How they are royalty from another world that some chose not to believe in and how they will soon rule that world. I don't know why I've chosen this time to talk about a family but maybe it is because soon I'll need to find my mate and the fear of her rejecting me will end my leagues and someone else will rise to take the crown."

As I finish reading the entry I noticed the date, March 23,1701. I didn't really read much into the date because it could have be written by a person who die long ago. Frustrated I grabbed all three journal and put them under the passenger seat because I didn't want to read old materials from a dead person. I throw my head back and slowly turned my head to look at the last book left. I grabbed the book and the title which said "Curse".

I opened the book and saw that every few pages was dedicated to a sin. I turned the first few papers and stumbled upon the sin Lust and to my surprise it talked about their weakness. I read careful and find something interesting. The book said that the sin lust can be weakened if they're denied sex.  It also said that if you wear a peridot rock, the birthstone of August, that their powers are weaken around you if they don't have enough energy to attack you.
I smirked at this information because I knew my father had a necklace of that kind of rock, because it was his birth month.

I soon found myself flipping through the papers to look up the sin of anger. As I read I found out that the sin anger was different and could only be weaken if their mate refuse to be with them much less hurt them emotionally. I was about to throw the book until I read the last lines.

"To find out if a person truly is the sin of anger you would have to either make the person angry and watch their eyes get a bright purple or get anger and watch them gain energy from it."

I close the book and decide to put it under the driver seat since it did provide helpful information. I sat in my car just thinking what I was going to do. I knew I didn't like seeing Alex anger because frankly it scared the shit out of me, so the only other way was to get angry and watch her gain from it. I sat there just thinking about ways to get angry until a knock on my window caused me to jump. Turning my head to look out my window I realized it was Alex. Opening the door I slowly got out.

"Didn't I tell you to get some rest." Alex said as she followed me to the front door.

"And didn't I tell you not the scare me?" I asked.

"Well how else was I supposed to get your attention, just wait there like a stalker until you realized I was there."

Opening the door I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"I'm just saying that one day your going to give me a heart attack." I said frowning.

"So what, your going to be mad at me because you're easily frightened." She said matching my frown while closing the door behind her.

As soon as she said that I saw her eyes brighten a little. I find myself smirking.

"Alex did you go tell my friends why I wasn't at school today."

"Of course not, you said forget about it, so I did."

"Really, wow thanks for nothing I guess." I said quiet annoyed that she didn't at less try to tell them.

"Well what did you expect, I'm not going to go out of my way to talk to some people I don't give a fuck about."

Feeling my eyes burning I knew I was at my breaking point. I slowly rose from the couch and decide to forget about my plan to find out if she really was the sin anger.

Rubbing my eyes I tried to get rid of the burning I felt.

"Are you ok?" Alex asked.

"I'm fine, just leave me alone, you're getting me piss."

I soon felt Alex's hand on my shoulder as she whisper to me.

"I'm sorry but I need you to calm down you're going to make yourself sick."

I signed heavily and looked into Alex's eyes to find bright purple eyes with black lines that looked liked cracks in them. I gaped in shock.

"Alex your eyes."

Alex frowned at this and back away slowly.

"What about them?"

I started to walked backwards  because I realized as soon as Alex grabbed my shoulder the burning I felt left my eyes.

"Shit! Shit! How did Bella remain so calm when she found out Edward was a vampire because I really need some tips!"

"Vampires? What are you talking about!"

"Oh god it all makes sense now! No wonder!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Alex said getting quiet annoyed.

"Oh god Alex I know you're not human so just give me a dam minute to process this." I said running a hand through my hair.

I watched as Alex froze before she nervously laugh.

"Skylar you sound insane."

"Alex just...just shut up! I know about your family's room in the library and sorry to tell you this but you need a better librarian because she failed to keep it a secret."

We stood there for a few minutes in silent as I waited for Alex's next move.

"How much do you know?" Alex said in a low voice.

"Enough to know you're not human but an angel."

"Were you stalking me." Alex said chuckling a little bit.

I stood there looking at Alex with a serious face. Was she really joking at a time like this?

"Why aren't you threating to kill me?" I asked.

I watched as Alex walked closer to me before she spoke up again.

"Because I know you won't tell and if you do you're only hurting yourself as well."

 "What do you mean?"

"Sorry to break this to you princess, but your not human either." 

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