Don't fall in love, there's just too much to lose

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Skylar Pov*

I stared straight into the eyes of the man who I called father as I waited for a responds from him. His blank face didn't give away what he was thinking or feelings but his motions with his hands did as he brought  me into a hug,

I hugged him back but after a few seconds, we parted. He smiled a small smile and said, "Come on."

I didn't know what to expect because this was the first I saw my father act this way, strange, quiet, and mysterious. I dragged my feet as I followed him. He walked to where I parked my car and told me to get inside the passenger seat. Once I got inside, I put on my seat belt as my father did the same.

"Where are we going?" I said.

Driving out of the school parking lot he looked straight ahead and slowly opened his mouth.

"The reason why we moved out here." And with that he stayed quiet, eyes glue to the road ahead.

I licked my lips in frustrates and just stayed quiet. After about 20 minutes of driving I found that we were at the perk of the town but my father looked like he had no intentions of stopping any way, anytime soon.  

Every so often I would glance at my father to see his face but he still had a blank face. I looked out my window to see that we were passing more and more trees on each side of the car. The trees were so tall that it seem like if we were under a bridge made out of branches. My father started to slowly down when we reach the end of the road to find a run down house. He parked the car and without looking at me told me to follow him.

I slowly got out of the car and started to walk behind him.

"You know when I was about your age is about the time I met your mother." My father said.

Not should how to answer I stayed quiet.

My father looked over his shoulder to catch my eyes before going up the few stairs to the house.

I was careful when I stepped onto the stairs because the wood was broken with nails sticking out. A few plants were growing between the cracks of the wood and when I would step on them, the board would make a sound.  

My father shoved his hand into his pocket to pull out a key to the door. He slowly opened the door and stepped in. I followed right behind him.

The house inside was just as terrible as the outside. There were holes in the wall and the ceiling. The sun's light shined through the cracks and holes of the walls letting in air and light. The house was completely empty besides the dust and dirty the wind brought in.

My father however, was more interested in the walls as he slowly passed his hand over it observing the cracks and mapping out the details of them.

"Who's house is this?"

"It's your mother's and mine. This was our first house together." He said as he continued to search the walls.

"What are you doing?" I said as I went right behind him.

"It's been far to long and I'm afraid I forgot where it is." He spoken in a low voices.

"Forgot what?"

Letting out a frustrated sign he turned around to look at me.

"This house was designed to satisfy your mothers needs. She was all about hiding the trust from the world, so this house did just that, hide what the eyes couldn't and wouldn't see. Within the walls were hidden doors to rooms."

I nodded as I took this all in. If my mother really was an angel then that would explain why she wanted to hided the trust from the world.

"How were this hidden doors designed?" I asked as I too started to pass my hands over the walls.

"Like I said, the doors are hidden from what the eyes couldn't and wouldn't see. They weren't designed by humans and only those from true blood line could spot the differences in the walls. Back when I had your mother with me the walls shined bright and the house was full of life. When your mother died, the house did as well. Nothing could be savaged because everything belonged to heavens above so the furniture lost it touch, fated when your mother face did, and was just as unless  like the body she was engraved in." My fathers voice started to crack.

"Then why come back when you know you can't find the walls, what were the point of coming here?" I said my voices cracking as well but from anger.

"Because this is the bitter trust of the matter. Just like this house, it is useless to want to see your mother when you know she is died!" My father yelled back.

I looked at my father and the light caught his eyes, showing bright green eyes.

'Wait a second.... You spoken to Alex!" I said.

"Yes I did, and what you are demanding is unreasonable!"

"How would you know! I never met her unlike you!"

"Because I've been in your same dam shoes! I was in love when I was younger and not with your mother. I woke up every morning to see her but then one day your mother showed up and changed everything. Everyday I was falling apart and loving her instead of the other girl. I ruined my relationship to be with your mother and at the time I didn't think much of it, just your typical love life in high school. Then one day after I married your mother she told me the big news. She told me I was put on this world and created by the gods to give her a child. At first I thought that was her way of telling me she wanted a kid but no, that was her way of telling me she was an angel. She told me she fell in love with me but my love for her was fake, like I was shot by cupid's stupid arrow. I told her she was wrong and cried every night when she said, she spoke only the trust. It wasn't until she got pregnant that she realized she was indeed wrong, that if I didn't love her then the baby would have died ever time she was in labor. I only truly had a month after that to spent with her because she finally realized I loved her just like she loved me."

At this point my father started crying remembering the unforgettable memories. I walked over to him and he pulled me into a hug. we stayed like this for a few moments until he spoke up.

"Don't fall in love, there's just too much to lose." He said quoting a line from the song terrible things.

I slowly nodded my head.


Author's Note:

Another chapter yay!!!! So I'm trying to upload because next week I have exam so I'm pretty sure staying away from the wattpad and the internet is the best thing. Any whose hope you like this chapter if you did don't forget to like it up, share and comment. P.S you guys should listen to "Terrible Things" by Mayday Parade it amazing and it fits this chapter so perfectly its scary XD 


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