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Skylar pov*

I stood behind Alex listening to her and Amber's coversation. Hearing them talk about my mother, talking like they knew her left me feeling mad, but mainly sad.

So many questions were running through my head, like did my father know about my mother being an angel and was he one as well? Also, how did bless angels and deadly sin angels come to be, how was the title passed down? I had so many questions, I didn't noticed that Alex looked back at me until I heard her say my name in her conversation.

I decided to do the next best thing to solve my problems, walk away, and that's what I did.

I didn't want to be apart of this fictional world even if it was real. For the love of sake, I didnt even believe in the after world!

I walked away from the conversation and ignored the looks from the other sins.

"Skylar where are you going?" I heard Alex ask.

I turned around to look at Alex once I got to the cafeteria's back doors to respond.

"Back to reality." And with that I entered the cafeteria and didn't look back.


Alex pov*

Watching Skylar enter the cafeteria made me feel like we were back at square one. I sighed in frustration. I felt a sting at my heart causing me to feel sad, an emotion I didn't work well with, because I was the opposite of it.

I sat down at the ground and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"What now?" I heard David ask.

"I don't know." I said frowning.

"Ha funny how we thought your bless angel was died, only to find out she was alive but doesn't want anything to do with you." Amber said with a smirk.

If only looks could kill, Amber would have died a painful death by me.

"Wow Amber!" Jackie said.

I looked over at Jackie to see her grey eyes shining, a bright grey with spots of white.

Jackie was the sin of envy who always had energy for the fact, everyone has been jealous at one point in their life. Jackie has black hair, familiar to mines but she had white highlights instead of purple. She was rather tall, standing at 5'6.

I noticed how she keep looking at Amber before a smirk appeared on my face. I turned back to Amber and stood up walking close to her.

"Now I understand." I said.

"Understand what?" Amber said.

"You're one jealous bitch who can't have what she wants, new flash, Skylar is mine."

She opened her mouth to speak but I turned around and jocked to the cafeteria to find Skylar.

Once I got insided, I noticed her talking to her friends, getting ready to leave so I jock the few steps between us.

"Skylar." I said touching her shoulder.

She turned around and bite her bottom lips.


"I need to talk to you."

"To bad, she doesn't want to talk to you." Her friend said.

What was her name again ummm Kate, Nate ummm Natalie? Yea Natalie sounds right.

"And I wasn't talking to you."

"Alex." Skylar said.

"Sorry, but I really need to talk to you."

Skylar looked at her friends before looking back at me.

"Well can it wait until I get back home, we are going to see a movie."

"Yea we're going on a double date." Natalie said smiling widely.

I stood there confused.


Rolling her eyes Natalie explained.

"Skylar and I and Taylor here with a kid name James."

I clenched my teeth and look straight at Skylar.

"Oh really?" I said slightly tilting my head.

"Alex, look we need to go to class soon and I need to get some stuff from my locker, can we talk later?"

I laughed a dry laugh and shook my head.

"Forget it, I'm done trying. Like I said there is no point in trying when the other person doesn't try as well."

I turned around and decided that it's not worth it, trying to win over a stubborn heart.

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