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Alex pov*

After asking the impossible from me I didn't know what to say.

Sure I could take her to see her mother but the cost will be too high. Thinking it over I told her if everything works out as plan I'll take her to the kingdom of heaven but only if at the end of the marriage I can take over as Queen and be able to continue my heir.

Whether she knows it or not I'm thrill she agreed to the marriage but am rather sad she's only doing it to see her mother.

I knew from day one she was my soul mate because the second I saw her I felt a shiver go through my body, one I've never felt before in the thousands of years I've live.

The weekend past by fast and I was right now in school eating lunch. To deep in thoughts I didn't noticed that other sins sat down at our table and were talking among themself.

"Hello earth to Alex?"

"What?" I said looking up.

I noticed it was David who had spoken to me.

"I asked how is Skylar doing?"

At the mention of her name I looked up and search for her, seeing her talking with that Taylor kid and Natalie. I felt my angry start to boil when I saw Natalie flirting with her.

I tilted my head and tried to listen in on them. one of the many powers my parents pasted down was being able to hear from far.

Trying my best to listen I couldn't hear much so I signed in frustration.

"I don't know ask Amber she was the one locking lip with her."

Everyone at the table stop talking and looked at Amber.

"So what if I was?" She said crossing her arms over her chest.

Trying to calm down I spoke through my teeth.

"Don't touch Skylar. Your bite mark left her drain of energy."

"Last time I checked she afford." She said with a smirk.

I slammed my hand down on the table causing several people to turn our way.

"Listen here!" I started but was interrupt when a hand touched my shoulder.

I looked to my side to find out the hand belonged to Ruby.

Ruby was the sin of sloth. Her sin revolved around avoiding physical or spiritual work. She had dark red hair that people thought was dyed but in reality was her real hair color. she Also had red eyes but a hint of brown. She wasnt the tallest sin but stood at 5'4. She was however, the most innocent from all of us and was very shy. She only spoke when spoken too and listen instead of talking. She was also in great shape, don't let the sin fool you.

Right now she was touching my shoulder because she was trying to give me some of sloth sin she had from other people that she collected from.

I felt my body tiring but knew I could fight against it. However, I decided against it not wanting to fight.

I mouthed a "thank you" to Ruby to which she nodded her head.

I looked back at Amber.

"Amber I will not ask you again you will stay away from Skylar, if lust is what you want."

"And what if I want a relationship."

At this point I was at my maximum.

Slamming the table with my hands I got up.

I tried counting but it didn't work I felt my eyes boiling and knew they was bright purple. If this was a cartoon my face would be red and smoke would be coming out of my ears.

David and Ruby came over to me knowing I was about to change forms. In a few seconds my human form would change into my angel one which I couldnt let happen.

David pointed to the door and Ruby give me the last of her sloth to calm me but it had no effect.

I walked over to the back doors and slammed them open taking in the fresh air.

I hated how Amber got to kiss Skylar and use her for energy, and I hated how Amber joked about having a relationship with MINE soul mate! I knew she didn't know that Skylar was my soul mate but I will be sure to tell her soon when I calm down because if not I would go over there and murder her!


Losing my train of thoughts I turned around to yell at the person who followed me out only to see that it was Skylar.

"Skylar. Not. Now." I said trying not to yell at her.

Skylar ignore me and walked up to me.

"Give me some of your angry."

"What?" I question her.

"You said bless angel balance out their deadly sin angel."

"Skylar you miss understood me, I can't give you angry I take from you angry and you give me happiness. The bless angel is the opposite of their deadly sin angel."

Skylar stood there nodding trying to understand.

"Ok so how do I do that?"

I tried to explain but was too mad to even try. I think she understood that because before I knew it she was an inch from my face. It was my turn to be shock by her action.

"What are you..." But I was interrupted by soft lips crashing onto mines.

I moaned at the touch and grabbed her waist pulling her closer. Getting carried away by the kiss I bit her lips too hard opening the cut Amber give her. To my surprise she moan back.

All of the sudden I remember where we were so I gently pulled back dizzy by the kiss.

I shook my head and smirked at Skylar who was blushing.

"You kissed me."

She opened her lips but a different voice came out.

"Don't be too happy you're not the only one she has helped out when in trouble."

I looked back to find Amber with her arms crossed over her chest and her green eyes shining.

I stared hard at Amber as the rest of the sins came out.

"What is going on?" David asked looking from skylar to me.

"It seems like Skylar here is helping out Alex control her angry." Amber said smirking.

"What, how?" David asked.

"She knows about us idiot."Amber told David.

David opened his eyes wide and looked at Skylar.

"She's a human! Alex do you not know the rules!" David said looking nervous.

I frowned at David.

"Of course I know the rules or have your forgotten who my father is? She also isn't a human she's a bless angel, MINE bless angel." I said looking straight at Amber.

Amber face was shock before she uncrossed her arms.

"What do you mean your bless angel. You bless angel wasn't even born, Demetrius passed away 17 years ago, no way she could have had a health baby if she give birth. We all know she was to ill to continue living on this world and having a baby was have kill her human form and the child."

I looked back to see an emotionless Skylar standing behind me.

I looked back at Amber.

"I thought that as well but Skylar father, James Charms, is in fact Demetrius's husband and Demetrius's Hancock is on Skylar's birth certificate. Skylar is the bless angel of Happiness."

As I said that I stood tall knowing that Skylar survived and I wasn't a useless deadly sin afterever.

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