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Alex pov*

I wasn't planning to sit around in a classroom having Skylar next to me so I decided to ditch the rest of school.
I walked out of the school and walked to my car.
Getting inside my car, I ignored the fat, bald teacher running after me, telling me I can't leave school. I started my engineer and drove right passed him.

I decided to go to my get away spot from reality. I drove the 20 minutes from school and to the edge of the town where the forest was at. When I got near the forest I parked my car and walked the rest of the way. I made sure to be far away from eye sight and decided to take off in a sprint. Picking up speed to my maximum in my human form I decide to change my form to my angel side.

My angel form is similar to my human body but there is a couple of difference. For one, I had 12 feet long wings, 6 feet per side. My feathers were both dark black and dark purple. My eyes were a bright purple and my teeth were sharper.

Running as fast as I could I noticed how everything around me was going by as a blur. Looking ahead of me I saw a cliff coming in view. As soon as I go to the edge I jump off it diving head first with my hands to my side. In less then 5 seconds I was close to the water so I decide to pull up extending my wings out. Getting them out just in time my chest barely brushed the water. I was zooming by, faster than a bullet as I let a smirk appear my face.

I love the feeling of being able to fly. The feeling you got when you were little and you thought you were invincible, is the feeling I get when I fly.

Pulling up into the sky I sore up high.
I looked up at the sky and knew that soon I'll be able to go back to the kingdom of heaven and be crown queen even if it meant my heir wouldn't continue.

Thinking of my heir I thought of Skylar.

Signing in frustration I crussed out loud.

I decided to just head back to Skylar's house and wait until she got back home from her movie and infor her father that she is doing fine and nothing or no one has hurt her.

Heading back to my car I took out my phone and dial my lord Charlie. Charlie is what you would call my care taking. The person who looks out for me and helps me out. I call him lord for a sign of respect or uncle for a sign of how much I loved him like my own family. 

After the second ring he picked up.

"My princess hello."

"Hello lord Charlie I'm sorry to call but I need favor."

"Nonsense I'm here to help, what do you need?"

"Well it's quiet a long story but I find my bless angel. It's a she and yes she is alive before you ask."

I heard him take in a deep breath from his line before he answer me.

"My princess I hope you're not mistaken, does your father know?"

"No not yet, father has been out at the region Lorraine in France so I haven't had the time to tell him and I don't intent to yet for I have a problem."

"Hmm what is the problem?"

"She refuses to take part in anything that has to do with angels. All she care about is Demetrius, her mother."

"I see, so what is the favor you need."

"Sad enough to say she going out on a double date with a girl named Natalie."

"Oh I see, so you wish for me to send someone to watch over them?"

"No I don't intent for someone to follow them, but spy from close."

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