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Skylar Pov*

Getting up early left me enough time to get ready and eat my breakfast.

As I chewed on my toast my dad was looking through the newspaper, a wide smile on his faces.

"What's got you so happy?" I asked still chewing my toast.

"Never mind that you forgot your manners, but my stocks are getting higher and the incomes are rolling in."

Rolling my eyes I keep eating my breakfast.

Folding the newspaper my father looked at me and smiled.

"So what are you doing today?" He asked.

Swallowing the rest of the food in my mouth I replied.

"Well Alex is coming around to drive me to school, I'm not sure what I'm doing after school."

Nodding his head he stayed quiet.

"What's wrong?" I said frowning.

"Skylar just be careful, Alexandra hangs with dangers people."

"You mean the seven deadly sins, yea I know about them."

"It's not that, what I mean is where there is baggage there are secrets."

"Like what kind of secrets?" I said leaning closer.

"They are called secrets for a reason." He said half smiling.

"If only I knew that before I met your mother, things could have ended differently."

I was about to ask what he might by that but a car horn honk outside. Knowing it was Alex I didn't want to keep her waiting heaven knows that's the last thing I want to do.

"I have to go dad."

"Ok sweetheart have a good day and be careful."

"Ok bye dad." I said half way to the door.

I opened the door and turned back to smiled at my dad before I closed the door.

Walking down the few steps Alex was leaning against her car with the passager door open.

"Hello." I said a blush creeping its way onto my face.

"Hello princess." She said smiling.

Getting into the car Alex close the door and walked over to her side.

Once she got in she turned on the car and drove down the street.

"Hope you dont mind but I have to pick up Lucas." She said looking straight fronted.

"It's fine."

We drove in silence for a couple of minutes until my phone went off.

I looked at it and saw it was a text from Natalie.

"Crap." I mumble under my breath.

Raising one eye brow Alex looked at me.

"What wrong." She asked.

Not wanting to tell Alex whats wrong I just told her it was a text and I got scared cause of the vibrates.

"Oh..... Ok." She said dropping the conversation.

Looking at the text I read it to myself.

"We need to talk." Natalie texted.

"There is nothing to talk about." I texted back.

A few seconds past and I received another one.

"Yes there is, we need to talk."

Signing I texted back. "Fine when?"

The Seven Deadly Sins (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now