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I don't think anyone has ever been spared of falling unconscious in place and then waking up in another location. Perhaps, it happened when you were a baby or child, going to sleep in the car, and then waking up in your bedroom, underneath your covers with your head on a soft pillow.

For the past few years, I would always wake up in the same location I went to sleep at, but, for the first time, in a long time, I woke up in a different place.

It didn't take long, however, for my body to start functioning again, the conscious thought of the color black entering my mind coming from behind my close eyelids. The noise soon registering as well, as a fade beeping noise became louder. Next was the sense of touch, as I realized I was somewhere where the AC was on low. Lastly, came smell, and for an odd reason, the place remembered me of bleach with a hint of lemon.

Once all my senses slowly came back, I noticed that my throat was dry and my head was hurting slightly. Trying to clear my throat, I opened my eyes slowly, trying not to be blinded by the lights if they were too bright. Thankfully, the fluorescent lights, that hung an inch off the roof, were dimmed, allowing my eyes to adjusted. It gave me the perfect chance to look around and I immediately noticed that I was in a room hocked up to a machine. The room's walls were painted a plain white color, matching the bedsheets I was under. It didn't take long for me to realize I was in a hospital room.

The only facial expression that crossed my face was a frown as I wondered how I got here as I was just at school. I tried to come up with a reasonable explanation, as I laid in bed only to have my train of thoughts interrupted by the sound of a door opening.

Stepping foot into the room was a male doctor that, to my best guess, was in his late 20's. He had a calm face, and his black hair framed with his brown eyes, complimented his face. On his white coat, on the right side, pinned as straight as it could be, was a name tag that said, Dr. Albert.

Too preoccupied with the clipboard in his hand at first, he didn't realize I was awake until he heard me moving slightly on the bed.

"Ah, Ms. Charms you're awake, how do you feel?"

Lifting my hand, the one that didn't have the IV in it, I rubbed my throat softly, as I responded to the best of my ability.

"My head still hurts a bit and my throat feels dry."

Nodding his head slowly, Dr. Albert waited until I finished speaking to turn his attention back to his clipboard, seemingly writing down notes about what I just said. Once he was done with his notes, Dr. Albert, peek his head out the room for a moment, calling for a cup of water and after doing so, he turned his attention back to me. In a matter of seconds, a young-looking woman, presumably a nurse by her work clothes, came to the door giving him the cup. Once in his grasp, he walked over to me and placed it in my hand, the one that didn't have the IV in it.

"Here you go, Ms. Charms," Albert said.

"Thank you," I responded softly, a small smile on my face.

I was told to drink the water slowly and once Dr. Albert noticed I finished it, he extended his hand to grab the empty cup from me. I was grateful for that and once he knows I was feeling a bit better, he spoke.

"Do you remember what happen Ms. Charms, before you fainted?"

Frowning, I absentmindedly ran my fingers through my hair, trying to piece together my memory that was still a bit foggy. All I could really remember was arguing with Amber and maybe even Alex.

"Um... everything is a bit foggy, but I believe I was arguing with two girls. I tried to walk away but they didn't allow me to even take a few steps before they were back in my face. Everything after is a blur."

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