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Skylar Pov's*

After the first 10 minutes, I couldn't bring myself to count anymore.

The room was as silent as a graveyard and no one made any move to speak up.

I could no longer bring myself to cry because I was starting to feel light headed, so I just sat there, holding in my sobs.

Lucas went to look for the King and Queen to information them of what happen however, that felt like ages ago.

Finally the sound of a door opening caused me to bring my head up. I automatically looked at the door that Alex was behind but it stayed still.

Sighing, I turned my head to the other direction.

As if on command everyone stood up, everyone except me.

Looking at the door I saw two figures with Lucas, a male and a female.

"Stand." Amber said, looking down at me.

"It's fine, you might sit down." The male said.

I stared at them in confusion until it hit me, these were Alex's parents.

"My child, you are the one who we call Skylar, correct?" The male asked, as he walked over to me. Following him was the female, who I assumed was his wife.

"Yes." I said soft.

"My name is Charlie Ethan McCartney, but I wish for you to call me Ethan." He said, smiling, showing of his perfectly white teeth.

"This beautiful woman is my wife, Isabelle McCartney." He said gesturing to her.

Smiling at me, she simply nodded her head.


Turning his head, he looked at the source that was calling his name.

It was my mother.

As if he already knew of her presence, he simply smiled.

"Demetrius,  I see you have awaken from your sleep."

Nodding her head, she looked at him with suspicious.

"I don't mean to interrupt.... but I will, can't you do anything about Alex?" I asked.

Turning his attention back to me, he once again just smiled.

"Ah but dear I already have."

"And what is that?" Demetrius asked, interrupting our coversation.

"You must wait and see. Now if you don't mind, I must go attend to my daughter."

Walking over to the door where Alex was behind, he turned around and looked directly at me.

"Darling, do you wish to come?"

Nodding my head, I quickly got up and walked over to him.

"Skylar." I heard Demetrius say, yet I made no attempts to listen to her as I continue to walk over to Ethan.

"After you my darling." Ethan said.

"Thank you." I said as I enter the room.

It wasn't long after I walked into the room that I heard the doors shut close behind me.

"Come." Ethan simply said.

Walking ahead of me I could only follow and hope that he could save Alex.

The room we enter in lead to a hallway which was painted red. The only source of light was from the burning torches that filled it.

It wasn't long before we came across another set of door.

Taking a deep breath I held it until he finally opened the door.

Gesturing for me to walk inside I did just that.

Looking around I saw a bed in which a figure laid on.

I quickly ran over to it and kneed down next to the figure.

Laying down on the bed was a beautiful Alex.

Her skin had turned completely white. To the touch, she was as cold as dry ice that it actually burned my finger when i tried to touch her. Her once beautiful black locks of hair was now dull. She lips were as purple as her eyes were, the first time I met her.

However, she still looked beautiful to me.

"Oh Alex I'm so sorry." I said in between sobs.

Wiping my tears on my sleeve, I felt a hand go down on my shoulder.

"Child, do you believe in faith?" Ethan asked.

"I don't believe in much but I do believe in it."

"Than you must understand that you have a faith that must be fulfilled right now."

Turning around I looked up at him.

Seeing my confused face he elaborate on what he meant.

"As you can tell, I can see the future because it is what I make it to be, yet things don't always turn out the way they are suppose to be. No matter how much I tried, you were never meant to be born but you were. That was problem number one. Problem number two, was your mother falling into a sleep. She wasn't suppose to fall asleep because that make Mike believe you had her power which you never did. Problem number three, was you getting caught and brought to Mike. That caused my daughter to go after you. Problem number four, Alex didn't save you but your mother did, causing her to shoot the bullet up. Problem number five, Alex got shot by it. You see how everything adds up because of your existence? I couldn't let the heir to the throne die I just couldn't. Every outcome I tried to make ended up with her dying. So I told her instead that I saw you dying and that the only way to save you was by transferring her powers into you. I told her to transfer them on your awakening. Yet.... I never mention that the only way I can transfer them back to her is by ending your life because if I did, she never would have done it. Do you understand your faith now?"

Staring at him, I soon turned my attention back to Alex.

"Ok." I whispered as I felt tears running down my cheek.

"Ok?" Ethan asked.

"Go ahead, end my life, Alex deserve to live, I don't." I said as I looked back up to him.

A sad smile appeared on his face.

Grabbing me by my hands, he stood me up and cupped my cheeks.

"Darling, good things happen to good people, I haven't forsaken you but written you a new faith."

Nodding my head I took a deep breath.

"Ok. Are you ready my child?" Ethan asked.

Nodding my head again, i tried my hardest not to cry.

"Goodbye my child." Ethan said and with a wave of his hand I felt my energy leaving my body. It wasn't long before I found myself screaming, yet like a switch the second I felt pain, it soon stopped just like my heart beat.


Author's notes:

Omg.... hate to say this but this book is coming to an end. I already know how I will end it and I don't think much of you will expect it. Ahhh! Ok... I'm calm. Ha but anywhose there will be only two more chapters left. One is the epilogue. So technically there is just one left. Anywhose I won't say bye to this book yet so I'll just say, I can't wait til you read the next chapter. Comment, share and vote.

Mmjm K byee XD


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