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Skylar Pov*

A week has passed and no sign of the books or Natalie.

Lately, I've been jumping on the case of any girl with jet black hair, seeing if it was Natalie herself.

Alex was doing the same thing, but the only difference though, she was becoming anger as the days passed.

We haven't really been on good terms lately ever since the books went missing, but I didn't blame Alex, since I was the one who took them without permission. Despite this though, I still wanted Alex to talk to me like the way she did before.

I was currently going to my locker to get some items I needed for my next class, when I noticed Alex.

I turned around to look at her but she seemed to be looking elsewhere. Without warning she started fast walking down the hall.

I closed my locker and decided to follow her, however, I stayed my distance since she looked pissed.

Alex quickly took the turn at the corner of the hallway before I heard her growl.

Not knowing who or what she was chasing, I decided to stay where I was at which was just a couple of steps from the corner.

"What the fuck?" I heard Alex question.

"You really shouldn't follow people."

My eyes automatically opened up wider. I knew that voice.

It was Natalie.

"Did you just shock me?" I heard Alex asked.

So she growl out in pain? That was something new.


"Stupid Natalie, you really shouldn't test her," I thought to myself.

I moved a bit closer so I could hear the conversation since I didn't want to  miss any information.

"So the big tough Alex can't take a little bit of pain. I guess the books really do has important information."

"I knew she had them! What a bitch!" I thought to myself as anger started to cloud my mind.

"Books? You understood them?"

"But of course, you're not the only one with secrets around here princess Alexandra."

Shock consumed my facial expression as I wondered how Natalie knew Alex was a princess.

"Oh God." I heard Alex mumbled.

Natalie only chuckled.

"What's wrong Alex, you look like you saw a ghost."

"You're a hunter." Alex said. I could feel Alex's anger, but I didn't understand what she meant by hunter.

"You see, you and I have something in common. I'm royalty too, I'm the daughter to the king of hunters, which makes me a princess as well."

"Oh great, another heir to the throne." I thought to myself.

"A week ago, maybe two, I didn't understand why Skylar was an important target for my father but now I know. It's not because she's your mate but because of what she is in general."

"WAIT WHAT?" I thought to myself.

"Shut it, I don't want to hear what your demon of a father did to Demetrius."

I felt my eyes start to sting at the mention of my mother's name, but wait, what did Natalie's father have to do with her?

"You can't hide from the fact Skylar is also one of us. Without my father doing what he did, she wouldn't be alive, she needed that part to survive, take it out of her and she dies."

"Enough!" I heard Alex yell.

And she was right, I didn't wish to hear this anymore. Alex knew what happen to my mother, but, she refused to tell me, and to make matters worse, she didn't even tell me the whole trust about who I was.

Before I could process anything, I felt myself running.

I just need to run, get away from all of this drama for one day.

And I knew exactly where I would go to so.

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