So many Questions

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Skylar pov*

I stared at Alex for a while trying to collected  my thoughts.

"Well, if you didn't send her your angry than how did you know to come here?" I asked while crossing my arms.

Alex shifted her legs looking rather uncomfortable before scratching the back of her neck.

"What?" I asked losing my temper.

"Ehhh it's just a feeling I had."

Rolling my eyes I turned around heading to my class even though I knew I was at less 10 minutes late.

"Skylar now you just wait one second." I heard Alex say.

Not stopping I keep walking until I hit something. Taking a step back I looked up to see it was Alex.

Opening my eyes widely I stared at her. "What the, where did you come from?"

"Skylar stop asking questions, and just listen for once. I know you said you want nothing to do with me, but I don't believe you for a second."

"Why is it so hard to understand that I don't want anything to do with you!" I asked losing it.

"Because it's easy to talk but hard to walk away from someone."

"Alex please, just leave me alone." I said.

Getting closer to my face she rested her forehead on mine, and slightly grabbed my hands.

"Tell me you hate me and want nothing in the world to do with me and I'll do just that, leave you alone."

My breath hitch a bit hearing Alex speaking to me. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I felt Alex cheek move up a bit.


"I.... I can't say it." I finally said.

"Then I won't stop trying to win you over until you say it and you mean it."

Before I knew it Alex crushed her lips on my lips making me moan slightly but before I could respond she retreated her lips and back away.

"Let's go."

I looked at her confused.

"Go where?"

"Anywhere but here."

thinking it over I decided to go along with her since I didn't have any test today. We started walking and would duck every time we had to pass a door in the hall way.

walking outside of the school building we walked to Alex's car. Opening the passenger seat for me I thanked Alex before she got inside the driver seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Well I do have to be back for lunch to pick up Lucas and drive him home so not far."

I turned in my sit and stared at Alex while she back up and started driving.

raising one of her eye brow and looking at me for a second she opened her mouth to speak.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"What's the deal with Lucas how do you really know him."

Letting out a sign she looked at me. "What did I say about the questions Skylar, they're burden to others as well to yourself."

growling I turned to look straight making Alex chuckle.

"He is the son of the angels of beauty, both his parents are what the ideal perfect looking angels look like. He is sort of what you would call CoverGirl material but for guys RollingStone material. His helping me with something and he so happens to find his mate."

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