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Alex pov*

Glancing at Skylar I realized she fell asleep.

"She sure sleeps like an Angel." I thought to myself.

I listened to her breathing as I drove to school going back to pick up Lucas.

After a few more minutes I finally arrived at school with a still sleeping Skylar.

I shook her a bit for her to wake up but to no avail.

"Come on Skylar, you have to wake up." I mumble still shaking her.

rolling my eyes I leaned over and took her seat belt off.

I decided to have a little fun.

getting out of my car I walked over to Skylar's side.

Opening her door I pick her up gently and tossed her over my shoulder.

Walking up to the school door I felt Skylar moving a bit.

"Alex?" I heard Skylar mumbled.

"Yep." I said popping the p.

"What are you doing, why are you upside down?"

chuckle I keep walking to the lunch room.

"Um princess I don't know if you know this but I'm not underside down you are."

after a couple seconds of silents Skylar finally started stuggling.

"Alex let me go!" I heard Skylar.

"If you insist."

A smirk found it way to my face as I let go of Skylar hip for a second only for her grab my wrist tightly.


"Hold still we are almost at the cafeteria, next time you wake up."

I heard Skylar growling but she finally stop struggling.

After walking down the long hallway to the cafeteria we finally got there, only to have people staring at us weird.

Oh well, don't care.

Looking around I finally saw Lucas sitting next to Taylor and..... Natalie.

What a cockblocker she is.

Walking up to the table I placed Skylar down on a seat, her face completely red and a frown on her face.

"What the hell?" Natalie said.

I rolled my eyes and looked straight at her.


"Are you stupid or something you could have dropped her."

"Uh Shut up."

she was about to open her mouth again but I turned my attention to Lucas.

"Lucas ready to go?"

"Go, where to?" Taylor asked.

"I only have school the first half since I only need two credits to graduate so Alex promised to take me back home since I don't have any more classes." Lucas explained.

"Oh ok." Taylor said a bit sad.

"Don't worry we'll texted." Lucas said trying to cheer him up.

"Don't mean to rush you but I'm going to, Lucas we need to go now."

"Argh ok Alex!"

Lucas hugged Taylor tightly and whisper something in his ear that made him blush.

I smiled a small smile to Skylar and started to walk away, Lucas following behind.

"So you and Skylar hmmm?" Lucas teased.

"You do know Skylar is my mate right?"

"But of course, Charlie made it clear I must protect the heir to the throne and her mate who I've come to see is Skylar." He said.

"Interesting but no time to chat I must get you home for I have to go back to Skylar's chambers."

I continued walking until I realized something.

We got inside my car as I turned to look at Lucas.

"Lucas have you been speaking that way?"

"In what way, may that be?" He said confused.

"Proper English, you know how people spoke back in the old days."

Thinking about it he shook his head.

"I only speak that way towards you or an angel in high ranking, why?"

"We don't want people asking questions towards why you speak old English."

"Don't worry I don't."

Nodding my head I drove to Lucas's house.

After a few minutes of chatting about him and Taylor we finally got to his house.

"I'll see you tomorrow, same time."

"Ok bye Alexandra." he said as he got out.

I waited until he got inside his house to drive away.

I drove back to Skylar's house to find a surprise.

A car was parked in the drive way.

I got out of the car and approach the houses.

I made sure to smell the air for any evil scent but found nothing but a pleasure one.

I opened the door to find a figure sitting on the coach.

I walked inside and approach it.

The figured turned his head and opened his mouth.

"Hello princess Alexandra McCartney."

"Hello James Charms."

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