Walking home

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As soon as Link was back with their clothes Rhett drives me to the closer tree and lets me lean against it with my back facing them so they can dress themselves. I smile to myself for the awkward situation I manage to put myself into just by going for a walk. Good job Maritina good job, you kept a low profile. Sun is heading in the middle of the sky and the heat is becoming noticeable even under the tree's shades, I hope Rhett won't be too tired carrying me back home with all this heat. Suddenly Rhett snaps me out of my thoughts when he comes closer and hands me over a black t-shirt who is pretty obvious it will cover me to the knees. He gives me a toothy smile and backs off. By the time I have put Rhett's shirt on I can't help sniffing it, smells like deodorant and his body scent that I can't deny it's swiping me off my feet. I throw my destroyed shirt on his face.

-What am I supposed to do with that? Make it a bandage or a weird looking bandanna?


He chuckles

-Are you still hurting?

-Yeah, but now only my right ankle is aching, my back is fine.

-May I take a look?

He kneels in front of me and gently takes my feet to his hands, which are steady and smooth. He is about to touch my ankle but I grin in the oncoming pain and he backs off.

-It is red and it has doubled its size, we have to take you back quickly, you need to put some ice on it. Link are you done already?

-One second man, I have to make sure everything is here. Now I'm done.

Rhett bends his knees and takes me to his thin arms; I wrap my one arm around his neck to make it easier for him. It's a bit weird to be so close to him, I barely know him and Link, should we just walk back? Before I had finished reconsider this he smiles at me and I immediately smile back without thinking, I don't care if it's awkward it will be fine, at least he smiles like it. Link comes closer with both of their pack bags on his shoulders. Then our funny companion starts walking back towards the town. Rhett doesn't seem to put effort at all; he is acting like he is not carrying a whole person in his arms, a way shorter but a whole person. He messes around with Link and me, laughs we are having a great time.

-So what are you guys up to? I mean I have myself carried by a guy I met today along with his best friend, I assume, who I don't know anything about.

-I play basketball, I read comic books, and I'm looking forward to get my drive license in a few months.

Rhett says.

-I am keen on WWE and suck at basketball.

I chuckle.

-You suck so much?

-More than you can imagine.

Rhett said looking at Link, who nod yes.

-So what are you keen on?

-I am into dawning and I play lots of video games.

-Video games?!

Link seems very surprised, I shouldn't have mentioned that.

-Yeah...I hope it's not so weird to you, I mean me and best friends used to play together.

Why did i get that specific information up? Now I'm the idiot who falls down hurting my leg who also happens to play video games when most girls don't even know what that thing is. Good job again self, you are really don't seem weird at all.

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