Chapter One: Misadventure

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Her blonde hair flowed freely behind her back as her eyes stared at him with longing.

"Link, I can see it... I can see color. It's so beautiful," she whispered into the night air. "You have the most startling blue eyes and sunkissed golden hair."

Link looked at her incredulously. All he could see way a monochrome of colors. Zelda was gray. The sky was gray. Everything was gray.

"Does this mean we're soul mates, Link?"

Her thick eyelashes fluttered as she let out a hopeful grin, but he couldn't muster the strength to smile back. He didn't receive the sight of color like his childhood friend had, and that could only mean one thing.

Zelda was destined to be fruitlessly in love with some who could never return her feelings.

Link bit his lip and enveloped her in a warm hug before the tears spilt from his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Zel..."

He felt the girl stiffen before her body heaved as she cried knowing tears. Nothing would ever be able to repair the heartbreak she'd experience in the years to come.

The green clad warrior shook his head as he traveled onwards. He had to find Zelda and bring her home.

"Did you know Zelda has the fairest skin with a rosy tint to it?"

Link looked up at his bully with a surprised expression. The red head was staring wistfully at Zelda, and Link fell a pang of guilt stab through his heart.

"Her hair is the color of a summer sunset, and her eyes the color of a clear sky," Groose muttered. "And yet I know it's pointless to yearn for her, when I wasn't the one to let her see color. You were."

The sleepy Skyloftian flinched. His sorrow and guilt was brought up to new staggering heights.

"I don't understand it, Link! Why can't you make her happy? Why can't you live her like I do? Why would you subject her to the same torture I'm going through?"

The larger male was on top of him in an instance, snarling like a wild animal.

"Why, Link?"

Link tripped over a fallen branch, but kept traveling through the dense forest.

Zelda's eyes held no ounce of fear, only sorrow. Her hair outlined her as she fell down towards the tornado that was threatening to swallow her whole. She held a hand out to her friend, but closed her eyes, accepting her fate.

"Goodbye, Link. No matter what happens, I will always love you," the girl breathed into the swirling air before disappearing from eye sight.

The young knight frustratedly pulled at his hair as he kept searching for Zelda. She had to be down here. He knew she wasn't dead, and the kikwis had all but confirmed that belief.

This was all his fault. If only he could have loved Zelda. If only he could have stopped leading her on. Numerous 'if onlys' swirled through his tormented mind, not bringing him any peace.

And despite the guilt that pumped through his veins to his heart, an interest was piqued. Almost everyone his age had realized who they were bound to and received the gift of color. Link however, could only see a splattering of black and white. So if Zelda wasn't his soulmate, who was?


Cobwebs and dust littered his vision as he paraded through the monster infested temple. His breathing was rapid and sweat trickled down his temples with every slice of his sword. By now, the air was think with the nauseating twang of copper, but he needed to pull through for her. He would do anything to repay her for the pain that had been placed on her.

Rushed footsteps sounded behind the hylian, and Link perfectly swung his sword around, slicing through the irritable bokoblin. The creature coughed up blood, falling to it's knees before letting loose a maniacal laugh. The beady black eyes turned up to face the young knight.

"It gives me pleasure knowing that you won't make it a step out of here. Master will surely kill you by draining your life liquid out of you," the dying monster wheazed. "Through and through. Out and out. His rapier will be your downfall."

With that, the disturbed being disappeared in a haze of enchanted smoke, but not before successfully leaving Link unsettled. Goosebumps had erupted al over his skin, and he nervously made his way over to the set of glowing, golden doors.

Soon, this would all be over.

A/N: Okay, so I had written this a few days ago, but forgot about it. Well, better late than never, amirite?

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