Chapter Fifteen: Wysteria (oh no)

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It had taken Link over a week to find the temple in Lanayru Desert. It had been a rather difficult week for the hero, not having the guidance of the demon lord. The boy oftentimes found himself on the verge of passing out from over exerting himself too much. When Ghirahim was around, he would've never let that happen, demanding they take a break. But finally, Link had made it to this cursed dungeon where he hoped to finally reunite with his childhood friend. That one thought was what kept him going because maybe if he brought Zelda back home and ended this whole ordeal, then just maybe his foe would be able too see that they could make it work.


Odd enough, the temple was once again devoid of any monsters or threats. In fact, all the puzzles had already been solved. It gave him a weird pang of nostalgia from the temple in Eldin, but he quickly brushed that thought off. Either Ghirahim was messing with him, or someone else had beaten him here. The blonde narrowed his eyes and quickly drew his sword.

"Master, I would advise to tread with caution. I can sense two demonic beings here, one with much greater power than the Lord Ghirahim possesses," Fi advised.

"Greater power than Ghirahim?" A hint of worry laced into Link's voice. The demon he had come to know was already very powerful. How could someone be even stronger than that?

"And this more powerful being is approaching us at an alarming rate. Would you like me to go back into the sword and prepare for combat Master Link?" The hero gruffly shook his head, signaling his disapproval.

"Let's try to not fight this demon. I doubt that I'd be able to stay alive if they're as strong as you say," he admitted. He glanced back over at Fi. "Do you think I could try and talk to them?"

"Perhaps but you better think fast because here they are," the sword spirit monotoned.

On cue, the set of brass doors at the end of the room flung open and a female sprinted into view, but stopped as she saw the duo. Her molten silver eyes widened in surprise but then crinkled slightly in sadistic glee. Hands adorned her shapely hips and metallic hair hung down to her rear. As she smiled, a cold dread overcame Link. All her teeth were as pointed as Ghirahim's fangs, and for a splint second, he saw a flash of a purple tongue.

"Well, I've been looking all over for you, Mister Hero," her voice purred, sweet and seductive. Link couldn't make out if that was just how she talked, or if he should be running for his life. "We have a lot of talking to do!"

At the end of her statement, she theatrically threw her hands up in the air and the lights dimmed. The hero tried to threateningly point his sword at her as she took a few sultry steps forwards, but she frowned at that. "Now, now, all I want to do is talk. We'll be having none of your poor swordsmanship today." She threw out one of her arms, and his sword flew across the room. She really was that powerful with her magic.

"Who are you?" Link's voice broke, betraying his nervousness. The female demon's lips twisted upwards into a grin.

"I am Wysteria, proud servant of the one and only Demon King. Today, unfortunately, I have not come to put your puny life to an end. I've come to talk because well, because you've been put in the dark about quite a few things Little Hero. Master thought his children would eventually tell you who you they are, but it seems I have to do all of the work around here. Don't fear, today is your lucky day! You'll finally know the whole truth," Wysteria ranted. Link thought she must be insane.

"What are you talking about?" Instead of answering him, she turned around to snarl at Fi.

"Your Father is not happy that neither of you have told him. Doesn't he deserve a fair fight?" Fi kept her mother closed. "Well, if you're not going to say something, maybe your emotional side will."

The sword spirit visibly stiffened as Wysteria pulled out a glowing, golden stone from beneath her shirt. "Don't you dare-"

"Diabolus, veran ostendere!" Link covered his eyes as a blue light shattered the dimness of the room. When the hero looked back up, he didn't exactly know what he was seeing. A blue skinned female stood in Fi's place, her facial features reminding him of Ghirahim.

"Fi?" His voice was weary and the blue skinned female glanced back at him with worry, but turned most of her attention back to Wysteria.

"You bitch!" The demon laughed as Fi's anger increased. "Ghirahim may not be as powerful of you, but I'll kick your ass!"

"I'd love to see you try," Wysteria snickered. "Why don't you reveal even more of your true form to the Little Hero?" Wysteria strolled over to a confused as hell Link. Fi briskly followed after her, fists clenched.

"Don't you dare touch him,"she growled.

"Wouldn't dream of it, just want to talk to him," she replied back, sending a wink over to Fi. The blue haired girl pretended to gag. "Why don't you sit Mister Hero?"

When Link did not sit down, he felt himself pushed down to a sitting position by an invisible force. Magic. Wysteria sat cross legged in front of him, her hands gripping her knees. She leaned over to where Link was clearly uncomfortable at their proximity. "Now, let's talk."

Fi stood at the side for a moment, debating on whether to let this whole situation actually happened. Finally, she decided too much had already been done to pretend this never happened.
She grouchily sat down by Link, glaring daggers at the girl in front of her. "I'll accept on Link's behalf on one condition."

Wysteria laughed a spine chilling laugh. "This isn't optional, but go ahead and amuse me further."

"I'll let you tell him everything if, and only if, you don't lay one of your slutty fingers on him," Fi warned.

"Deal," Wysteria quirked. She looked back over at Link. "Ghirahim's defiled him anyways." The corners of the silver haired girl's lips curled in a smirk as Fi warning key growled.

Link looked back and forth between the two girls with a stupefied expression. "What the Hell is going on?"

A/N: Link's question will be answered next update~ Prepare for sexual tension next chapter and a very befuddled Link.

¡Wysteria is back! She doesn't play an important role really in this book, but later in the trilogy she does. If you've met Wysteria in one of my old fanfics, I apologize for hey cringey behavior and the pity sex.

Anyone else jumped on the Pokemon Go train? I almost got ran over by a car trying to capture a Pokemon.

And I have a verrryyyyyyy important issue. How am I supposed to write gay smut if I've only done the lesbian sex?????? I was honestly stressing about this because my lemons always turn out really bad. The things I stress about for you guys...

But honestly, what even is a dike?

Keep Calm and Read On!

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