Chapter Twenty Two: Here Comes The Bride

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A/N: Sorry Morgana

The manor was cozy, something Link had never imagined for Ghirahim. He would've thought something a little bigger, more flamboyant would have been up to par with Ghirahim's style.
But after shacking up with the demon lord for a few days, he couldn't imagine anything that would better fit the demon.

"Almost done, Link?"

A pair of hands lightly grabbed his hips, breaking him out of his train of thought. He put his toothbrush down and washed out the toothpaste in his mouth. His eyes darted up to the mirror in front of him, and he could see Ghirahim with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, I guess so," the hero contentedly sighed, before turning to face Ghirahim.

The demon gave a quick kiss to Link's forehead, but the hero put a hand on the back of Ghirahim's neck when he attempted to pull away. Hesitantly, Link leaned forwards, connecting their lips and was happy when the other kissed him back.

The hero let out a low groan as the kiss quickly became heated. He felt his backside hit the sink as Ghirahim dominated the kiss like usual. Feeling a little bit daring, Link kept a hand on the demon's neck but let the other travel down the male's chest and stomach to the sash that held the white pants up. Being a bit more daring, he passed the belt and slowly rubbed his palm against the sensitive area. A small blush tinted the boy's cheeks as he realized his companion was already quite excited, and he wondered if the other hand planned for this to happen all along.

"Goddesses, Link," Ghirahim moaned, pulling away from the kiss.

Link wrapped his legs around the other's waist as he felt himself picked up and placed on top of the sink, accidentally knocking the toothbrush down to the floor.


It was a windy day as usual in Skyloft. But for some reason, the wind was off putting to get today. It made the sheer fabric of the veil shift against her face uncomfortably, and she was sure that it was going to get stuck to her lip gloss coated lips. Now, that would be a sight.

Her walk was slow down the aisle. She could basically feel her father beaming with bride as he walked with her, arms linked. Almost everyone that lived in Skyloft had come to the wedding. Except for her guardian Impa, who didn't believe in such ceremonies.

Groose looked on the verge of tears as she finally made it up to the altar. As her father gave her a kiss on the top of her head and then walked away, she felt as if her legs were made of lead when she tried to climb the few stairs that led up to her spot. But finally, she made it up there and forced a believable smile onto her face as her future husband lifted her veil over her head.

The only thought that kept her going at this point was the fact that this would all be over tonight.


Link's shirt was off, and Ghirahim was taking advantage of the opportunity. His pale lips attacked the hero's chest and neck, leaving all kind of marks. The demon also had a firm grip on the boy's hips as he grinded against him, leaving Link with his head thrown back against the mirror and fingers curled against Ghirahim's shoulders.

"Wouldn't this...go b-better in the bedroom?" Link managed to huff out. The demon paused for a moment and then pulled away.

"Come on," he said, grabbing Link's hand.


Zelda walked into their bedroom, alongside Groose. The house was small but nice, and their bedroom appeared that be the most lavish part of the house. Lace curtains covered long windows that overlooked the sky below them. The home was a dream come true from her childhood. There was only one thing missing.

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